The Development Of A Baseline Evaluation Of The Current Knowledge Of Nurses About Patient Safety On Nurse Remote Area Clinic (Rac), Saudi Arabia

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The Development of a Baseline Evaluation of the Current Knowledge of Nurses about Patient Safety on Nurse Remote Area Clinic (RAC), Saudi Arabia


The Development of a Baseline Evaluation of the Current Knowledge of Nurses about Patient Safety on Nurse Remote Area Clinic (RAC), Saudi Arabia

Literature Review

Schroetter and Wendler (2008) considered evaluation criteria for the culminating or capstone experiences. The experience or course seeming inside the last one or two semesters of liberal creative pursuits education; multidisciplinary characteristics of the undertaking are identified; constituents of integration inside the experience are identified; ratios of school to scholar to community constituent ratio are identified; immersion experiences engaging intensive interactions are identified; constituents of the experience address standards or ethics; undertakings connection the scholar and proceed the scholar in the direction of graduation; undertakings aim on real-world problems; undertakings incorporate the liberal creative pursuits base of the stage with the student's major; undertakings supply for the evaluation of: scholar or scholar assemblies, department(s), program; undertakings need the scholar to evolve a deepness of understanding; and is the student's recount or insight of accomplishment at the end of the capstone experience documented. (p. 76)

Although Schroetter and Wendler (2008) considered these criteria in quotation to a baccalaureate nursing capstone course, our College of Nursing discovered some of these criteria applicable to a comprehensive written check capstone in our institution.

Quality improvement has become a significant topic throughout the past decades, with several nations aspiring for high quality and protected healthcare. In the domain of quality, patient safety has become of specific interest. According to some investigations, between 2.9% and 16.6% of patients are harmed by the unsuitable healthcare treatment. As an outcome, some nations have taken up exact patient safety principles and the OECD has evolved a set of patient safety signs on the health scheme grade (Modak, Thomas, 2007). The major objective of patient safety efforts is to eradicate harmful events. According to publications, most harmful happenings have been initiated by scheme mistake. Likewise clinics have taken up patient safety undertakings, like harmful happening describing schemes, and risk management (Intensive Care Society, 1997).

Some authors assertion that whereas patient safety is a part of quality, its set about is distinct from preceding quality management efforts. Patient safety was more worried with uncovering the determinants of occurrences, and eliminating these determinants, then with the customary quality viewpoint of focusing the disperse of productive quality interventions. However, the dissimilarities between the two advances have become smaller. Therefore, as asserted by the identical authors and patient safety should be incorporated into the living quality improvement efforts (Estrem and Lucas, 2003).

 Quality improvement undertakings and quality management schemes have become prevalent in Hungary as well. The Saudi Arabian clinic scheme comprises of 134 hospitals. Hospital care is hierarchically organized into town clinics, healing the simplest situations, large shire clinics (1000-1600 beds) and Budapest clinics with multiple specialties. University and nationwide specialty clinics heal the most critical cases. In supplement, there are furthermore other kinds of specialty clinics, and children's ...
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