The Effects Of Intimacy In A Marriage According To Bible

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The Effects of Intimacy in a Marriage According To Bible


Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. It is a vow that is committed between two people of different genders. All the relationships are dependent on the intimacy. Similarly the relation of marriage is dependent on physical and emotional intimacy. It has been quoted many times in the Bible and by the Christ that a man is has been create4d as a man and a woman and then united together emotionally. The reason explained in the Bible for a man to leave his mother and father is to unite with his wife and this is the ways the two will be converted into one flesh. This means after getting married, the emotional and physical intimacy will bind them together forever. This paper will explore the affects of physical and emotional intimacy in the light of Bible, Christian religion and theology. It will also include all the aspects that are addressed to create intimacy between a husband and wife and how positively it affects the life of an individual.

Table of contents


Research Question4

Research Structure4



Emotional Intimacy5

Physical Intimacy5

Physical and Emotional Intimacy In The Light Of Bible6

Effects of Physical and Emotional Intimacy in a Marriage7

1.Developing the bond of Love and Responsibility8

2.Addressing Martial Equality Due To Intimacy8

3.Healthier Life Due To Intimacy in Marriage9

4.Intimacy Generating Open Communication9

5.Intimacy Promotes Apologies and Forgiveness in Marriage10

6.Loyalty and Faithfulness Tied Up Through Intimacy10

7.Original Plan of Marriage in the Bible: Intimacy and Marriage10

Opposite Genders and Intimacy in a Marriage11



The Effects of Physical and Emotional Intimacy in a Marriage

Research Question

How physical and emotional intimacy in a marriage affects the life and life course of a man and a woman in the Biblical viewpoint?

Research Structure

This paper discusses that how emotional and physical intimacy between a man and a woman is structured in the Bible and what message of the Christ was conveyed for the physical and emotional intimacy after marriage. This also discusses the advantages and the effects of intimacy on the life of an individual that has been discussed in the Bible and how the intimacy is important to strengthen the bond between a couple. Introduction

Marriage is bond that has been strengthened by the God, using emotional and physical intimacy. According to the Bible, the physical intimacy has been bestowed by the God to His people followed by the romance and physical intimacy as a husband and a wife within the bound of marriage. It should not be experienced outside the strong bond of marriage. In Bible it has been mentioned by God and has been elaborated and emphasized to experience the physical intimacy and romance after being husband and wife. God has given it to the first man and woman, that is, Adam and Eve. According to Gen.2:24, Adam and Even did not exist together in the relationship of intimacy without marriage. As mentioned in Gen.2:24 "They shall become one flesh" does not only explain the physical relationship and the union of the two but also highlighted the importance ...