The Hero Myth

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The Hero Myth


The old formula, according to Joseph Campbell, is simple and has been carried forth till date in almost all films being made. Campbell has portrayed the hero's journey in such a way that it has become the common hero myth. The hero is some handsome, innocent man who is unhappy with his regular life. The hero goes on an adventure by leaving the ordinary life and entering some unknown or supernatural world (Campbell, pp. 01-10). This is true with almost all the sci-fi or adventure movies being made in this day. The example of Harry Potter goes well with the hero myth brought about by Campbell. Harry Potter has supernatural powers, but does not know of them in the beginning. The hero is leading a less than ordinary life and being battered by those in the surroundings. A character comes in and takes Harry away to this magical world full of highly imaginative things. All this is so unreal but still the ordinary person relates to such a hero myth. The reason for relating to the hero is that a normal person wishes to do what the hero is doing. In the real world, a hero and the hero's journey is not like that of the hero myth by Campbell.


The hero myth is the hero's journey in a film. The journey comprises of a call to adventure, where the hero leaves the regular life and goes into some unknown or supernatural world. There the hero is faced with various trials that develop him into a stronger man. The hero is often under the guidance of a mentor who is usually older and wiser. Once the hero achieves the goal or gets what they had been looking for, they go back to their regular life. The hero gains more knowledge ...
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