The Local Church Mission

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The Local Church Mission


This journal is the result of thirty different leaders' work which is from several distinctive regions of the world. That group of thirty leaders discovered the whole topic which is regarding the local Church and the Great Commissioning. A deep insight on the paper explored that how the local church involved in the gospel expression by both ways of building up the disciples and those who were outside the community of faith. It is because of our deep passion and confidence that congregations in both two-third worlds and in the region of West must make the changeover for becoming the 'missional congregations'. The missional congregations are such communities that are belong to the religion of Jesus Christ and who consider the church as the God's people who are sent on the earth for a mission. To a great extent, their recognition is rooted in the acts which do perform such as church building and services of church.


In the year 1974, it was declared by Lausanne Convent that we confirm that the religion of Christ sends its people who are redeemed into this world by the father and for the similar deep calls and expensive penetration of the world. Basically, the people of Christ are sent for the mission of church and hence, they are the most noticeable appearance that reveals and announces the gospel of the kingdom of God. In the year 1989, Manila Manifesto stated that the congregation of each Christian is a confined expression of the Christ Body and has the similar type of responsibilities.

It has been assumed that the local church puts up with a basic responsibility for spreading the message of the gospel. Roughly every one has some image in the mind whatever they hear about the local church. The ...
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