The Millennial Generation And Religion

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The Millennial Generation and Religion

Religious Life Today

Sex is a defined distinctive. Sexual purity is a factor of godly living. Sexual Immorality is sexual activity divorced from marital commitment. Scripture says there should not even be a hint of it in the Judaism community. Judaism sees sex, but seeks to control them and regulate them. Positive attitude to sex implies the first mitzvah in the Torah is the commandment to "Peru and multiply”. That entire important commandment, from serving the Great must serve if not married, and the Talmud also states that "every man without a woman is not called a man". According to the Kabbalah and the Zohar, a house that fulfills the sex - there is no line where the Divine Presence (Mercadante 2008, 1).

Since the formation of the Moral Majority in the 1970s, the religious right has had a major influence on U.S. policy. This influence is particularly evident within the Republican party. One-upmanship practiced by the various candidates for the 2012 Republican primary is a clear sign. But this influence could quickly diminish over the next generation. At least that's what David believes Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group, an evangelical research firm which conducted a national survey between 2007 and 2011 on the religious practices of young people in the United States.

Also, it is important to Kinnaman to understand the reasons for this abandonment of religious practice and grasp the political and social consequences of changing behavior of the millennial generation, those who came to adulthood after 2000 .The phenomenon itself is not new. After all, each generation rethinks its values ??and beliefs before settling into adulthood. But what is new is that before this phenomenon was happening in late adolescence and lasted two or three years. Previously, young Christians tended to marry in their early twenties. They then resumed the practice of religion, finding the structured support of their families and their congregations to provide a moral and religious education to their children (Mercadante 2008, 1).

Attraction to religious life as a Religious Institute with Particular

Now, with the millennial generation, the children of traditional Christians marry much later. In fact, they marry at the same age as their fellow Americans, either to 27 or 28 years. This has important implications for their behavior. First, with unprecedented access to ideas and worldviews and thus marked by popular culture, young people have developed an open view of what Christianity should be. But 63% say they feel smothered by their churches looking too overprotective to the outside world. Second, they are 78% find their religious experience boring and irrelevant to their career or think that the Bible is not clearly taught to help them connect to the world. Moreover, 20% do not perceive God present in their churches. Third, they perceive a conflict between the world view presented by their churches and that of science. They blame their churches to have the truth about everything, even when their answers are contradicted by science. In this sense, over 80% feel ...
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