The National Curriculum For England And Wales

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The national curriculum for England and Wales

The national curriculum for England and Wales


In the most recent increase in the technical colleges and grant-maintained schools have given another reason for the rift between the state and private schools which are termed as “elite” schools for the rich people of the society has increasingly caused a differentiation from the less “successful” schools which the state offers which is deemed to be inferior therefore produce low skilled people for the low skill economy. Apparently, the National Curriculum is not offering what it is supposed to which results in school drop outs, high suspension rates and truancy which has led to a weaker work force of the country (BERNSTEIN, 1971, p. 47).


Moreover in the history of British education the order of the day has been individualism and nothing for the masses. The selfish- self proclaimed Elitist always made sure their needs were catered first by the people rather than the others. The fact of the matter is the educational institutions were first made for these people only who made sure that they were not left behind. Therefore, If we travel back to history, we can see the background of the Education Reform Act (ERA) of 1988 which highlighted the notion that this was purely for the masses, where as this was politically charged, which meant that these schools served only the purpose of the people being from the Elitist backgrounds and others were not even eligible for the basic educational needs and more over, it was only entitled to the Elitist of Great Britain and their children along with extended families. The fact of the matter is the Elitist got education in churches as well, which was both informal and formal, where as on the contrary the poor did not get any education (ARONOWITZ, 1991, p.10).

Moreover, The state, is stepping away from it's main responsibility of provide education for the masses and now the Secretary of State under the ERA accrued over three hundred new powers over the system. Provision of Education is the key to a stronger nation, as education helps on focus on life and therefore, stronger workforces are built. If this keeps prevailing issues will be instigated causing a major shuffle in the different classes in Great Britain basically the elitist and the poor people who live in the slums of Britain and need to struggle on an everyday basis to make ends meet and also provide bread and butter for their families (BALL, 1993, p. 20).

However, the increased bureaucracy of the National Curriculum is not only unacceptably increasing the work load on teachers but it is also making them suffer in the sense, they are being paid lower wages and also they are being externally monitored which causes a great deal of pressure on them. They believe that a child's role should be catered by a school which offers high class education and further assists him to make the right ...
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