The Purpose Of Assessment

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The Purpose of Assessment

The Purpose of Assessment


This paper explores the extent to which assessment information can be used for both summative and formative purposes? without the use for one purpose endangering the effectiveness of use for the other. Some of those involved in developing assessment have argued that the distinction is not helpful and that we should simply strive for 'good assessment'. Good formative assessment will support good judgements by ICT teachers about student progress and levels of attainment (AifL? 2004) and good summative assessment will provide feedback that can be used to help learning. (Glickman 2009 P. 45-150)


Maxwell (2004) describes progressive assessment? which we consider below? as blurring the boundary between formative and summative assessment. However? it remains the case that formative and summative are different purposes of assessment and while the same information may be used for both? it is necessary to ensure that the information is used in ways that serve these purposes. It seems that? under current arrangements? in practice information is gathered initially with one of these purposes in mind and may or may not be used for the other. These are arguments to return to after looking at these current practices and considering the possibility of collecting information designed for both purposes. (Glickman 2009 P. 45-150)

Using summative assessment to help learning

Feedback is a key factor in formative assessment? for only by indicating to the students what is needed for their next steps in learning can the ICT teacher bring about the intended engagement in learning. He or she cannot do the learning for their students. However? the ICT teacher makes use of feedback to adjust teaching? making materials and opportunities for the learning available and? most importantly? making clear the purposes and goals of the work.

Using formative assessment information for summative assessment

The approaches discussed above are linked to summative assessment as an occasional? if frequent? event. In between classroom tests? whether administered by computer or otherwise? there are innumerable other classroom events in which ICT teachers gather information about the students by observing? questioning? listening to informal discussions among students? by reviewing written work and by using students' self- assessment(Glickman 2009 P. 45-150). In formative assessment this information may be used immediately to provide students with help or it may be stored and used to plan learning opportunities at a later stage. The information gathered in this way is often ...
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