The Role Of Media In America

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The Role of Media in America


Media in America is wider and freer role than in any other country in the world. That this approach may cause some harm to the American public has long been recognized(Curran 2000 120). View, however, is that risk nonetheless priced worth paying.There is a fundamental assumption underlying this argument - that American society is strong enough to withstand the possible harmful consequences resulting from this approach. If, however, those fundamental changes are suggested, then there must be another account. This is exactly this situation in Singapore.

We believe that our little society, with a short common shared history, concluded in a small island cannot sustain damage that can be caused by giving our media role that the United States media(Curran 2000 121)By the time we have a light, yet warm, irreparable damage may be caused - or at least the level of damage that we as a society is not ready to accept.

To use an analogy, the U.S. aircraft carrier. We had a little boat. Many things that can occur on an aircraft carrier would not be possible in the boat.

Global Independent media

Independent media around the world emerged as some of the most powerful forces in the struggle for change in closed, repressive regimes into open and productive society(O'Sullivan 2004 69). Move towards democracy and free markets is currently carried out in a pledge by the world, especially after the end of the Cold War, but the result is not predictable, as dark forces emerge after decades of repression under the mask(Gurevitch 2005 23).

Racists, terrorists, ethnic tribalists, crime syndicates, drug gangs, and political strongmen have emerged or reemerged in very many countries. They have a newly independent states of the former Soviet Union and developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America will follow a democratic, representative form of government that provide education, health, safety, opportunity and a healthy economy promote investment and trade.

In the midst of this struggle, the United States is trying to help these countries move toward democracy by helping in the formation, training and protection of free and independent newspapers, radio and television(Pells 2002 48). We believe independent media can be helped to perform two basic functions: as a "watchdog" on government and public awareness about issues that affect their lives.

Two hundred years ago, President Thomas Jefferson said it best: "only the security of all the free press." In 1823, Jefferson said: "The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely expressed. Agitation it produces must be submitted. It is necessary to keep the water clean."

From 1990 to 2001, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) spent $ 270 million to support free media in the former Soviet bloc and in developing countries. About $ 182 million that the costs were concentrated in Eastern Europe and former Soviet satellites, including major investments in independent media campaigns in Serbia and Bosnia shortly before the defeat of President Slobodan Milosevic to the voters in 2000 after presiding ...
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