Theory Of Constructive Personality Change

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Theory of Constructive Personality Change

Theory of Constructive Personality Change


The people - or client-centred psychotherapy in addition to psychoanalysis and behaviour therapy is one of the three most widespread forms of therapy. The client as an equal partner of the psychologist is the focus of therapy. The goal is the experience and behaviour of the client to change via talks.

American Psychologist, Carl Rogers was a pioneer in the development of scientific methods that were aimed at the study of change processes in psychotherapy, been creating and developing an intervention model that initially designated by Client Centred Therapy. (Alwisol 2005, 54)

In its evolution, the author's ideas are the exclusive field of psychotherapy to be applied in areas such as Groups, Organizations and Education. Throughout his life Rogers was clarifying his ideas and hence the change in nomenclature would be operated by itself considered as updates of their theoretical model. (Rogers 1989, 77)

Gradually the basic philosophy of humanism, the underlying conceptual framework of the Person Centred Approach, was finding an echo in people of diverse professional backgrounds, especially in the field of Education; eventually constitute a movement that is now known as Centred Approach person.

The Person-Centred Approach of Carl Rogers

Rogers believes that humans have a natural need for further development and to develop his skills. He speaks of the actualizing tendency, which controls the behaviour of people constructively. If a person's behaviour or destructive it can not fully expand its abilities, so it is usually the environmental conditions that hinder the actualizing tendency.

In the course of its development makes the human experience. Each subjective perception, whether consciously or unconsciously, contributes to the experience of the individual. When we speak of a conscious experience of symbolization, because of a particular "icon" for a sense, it represents a sensation. But there are a lot of unconscious experiences that can not be assigned to a specific person or object. Just as the human tendency to upgrade his life is inherent, it constantly collects new experiences.

The self-concept is the image that everyone has of himself. It is caused by the experience that makes every man to himself and his interaction with the environment. The self is not something fixed, but a process: It will change more or less from the experience that makes the man.

That is, a person's personality is never the same. Attitudes, needs, interests, feelings, etc. change during the course of life. The change depends on age - and situation, and from the experience with our social environment. The actualizing tendency also takes its part in the development of the self with. Is that true self of a person match the experience, i.e. the experience gained and allowed to self-integrated, it is called congruence. The individual is aware of his feelings and needs and lives by them. Rogers speaks of incongruity when the self does not agree with each other and experience, when feelings and thoughts are not allowed. The person wants a self-update, which coincides with the experience not ...
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