Torture And 9/11

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Torture and 9/11

Torture and 9/11

Torture and 9/11

Literature Review

The Bush administration and the ill-treatment of detainee's summary have a lot to do with the torture that has been given in response to the tragedy of 9/11. George Tenet the authoritative asked the prime minister of the country that does he has the required authority to use extreme interrogation techniques on “Khalid Sheikh Mohammad”, on the president replied yes I have all the authorities. Hence, this reply clearly explains the current administration has committed severe crimes especially crimes of war.

Now it will be interesting to witness whether the authorities who authorized the use of extreme torture will face accountability or not. Brigadier General Antonio Taguba, former U.S. President George W. Bush acclaimed on June 2008, it should be investigated for authorized "water boarding" and other forms that other countries including USA have implied upon detainees as torture techniques. It should be held accountable for their actions; the high officials of the United States that are primarily responsible for the unexpected disappearance of detained people and their relocate to countries where these people were probably faced extreme torture in year 2005.

The Human Rights Watch report named it as “The torturers will get away”. This report contain substantial evidence against several people including Donald Rumsfeld the secretary of defense, (CIA) director and other well-known generals that were involved in USA-Iraq war. Further, as evidence this report has given the name of old prisoners of Guantanamo bay, and they has admit the presence of president during the period of torture (New York: Crown Publishers, 2010, p. 170).

This report is based on and extends on the work done previously that summarizes information. Since then, this has come to public light on the role played by officials of the government of the United States. The most responsible for the definition of strategies of interrogation and detention followed the attacks of 11 September 2001 against the United States, and analyzes them in the light of United States law and the right internationally. The human right commission on the basis of this report and other important evidence believes on these grounds the US government must take appropriate action against all those that were involved in torture and other serious offence and must initiate broad investigation which that should be transparent and within the knowledge of authentic people.

This investigation should inevitably hub the suspected illicit demeanor on the part of the senior officials including the former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and former CIA Director George Tenet. Among the elements of this investigation, it should also be an assessment of the role played by National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice and Attorney General John Ashcroft. Further, this investigation must also questioned the legal personal who termed this illegal act as legal such as Alberto Gonzales who served as the attorney general following his tenure as a counsel to the President (head of Consultants Legal Department of Justice (OLC), (acting general ...
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