Us Terrorist Extremism

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US Terrorist Extremism

Table of Contents



Genesis of US Terrorist Extremism2

Principal drivers behind US political violence as seen in the past 200 years3

Summary Discussion about the Principal Issues Driving Terrorist Events in the 1700, 1800, 1900s4

Examples of Domestic Terrorist and Extremist Groups6

Main Difference between Left Wing and Right Wing Terrorism7


US Terrorist Extremism


Since the events of atheist the of September 2001 and so far issued the term terrorism and extremism, the list of priorities of different countries of the world, whether - whether great or small - especially the United States of America, which has become the issue of combating terrorism and extremism, foreign-policy priorities, where are the security issue is a stake president and the fundamental relationship with the rest of the world especially the countries of the Middle East. This was reflected in several wars fought, especially in Afghanistan in 2001 and then Iraq two years later in 2003 and an aggressive approach with Iran. In this context, and after nearly nine years on the backs of the different strategies to combat terrorism and extremism, especially American ones had to be shed light on the results of what has been done in past years.


Genesis of US Terrorist Extremism

Extremism is linked to beliefs and ideas is far from what is usual and customary political, social and religious without being associated with those beliefs, ideas, behaviors, and physical violence. There is a generic condition which has been applied, which is to equate terrorists with "enemies of civilization." This sermon suggests that, by definition, terrorism is the enemy of the status quo that Washington vaguely called "civilization" and in so doing, it reiterates a common place, since terrorism has been identified with individuals or groups seeking destabilize or overthrow the existing political institutions. However, it has been used, for example, both by the colonial powers (such as France in Algeria or Vietnam, or the U.S. in Vietnam) and by the anti-colonial (like the Irish, the Algerians, Palestinians or the Vietnamese) (Turk, 1982). In the face of society or the State, but if associated with extremism, physical violence or threat of violence, it is converted to terrorism, extremism always in the circle of thought but when it turns extremist ideology to violent patterns of behavior of the attacks on civil liberties, property, life or the formation of armed groups that are used in the face of society and the state is then turned to terrorism (Turner, 2001).

Terrorism is a tool or a means to achieve political goals, whether confrontation internal, between political power and opposition groups have, or the confrontation of Foreign Affairs of States. Terrorism is a pattern of use of force in the political conflict, targeting terrorist operations, the political decision, and that forcing a State or political group to make a decision or to modify or edit it, which affect the freedom of political decision in liabilities. In short, terrorism is a moral or physical process that contains the kind of oppression of others, in order to achieve a particular ...
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