Vladimir Lenin

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Vladimir Lenin


In 1917 Lenin became the Russian dictator and is known nowadays as a Founder of Communism. Many events in his life have turned Lenin's attitude and changed him.

In 1887, Lenin's brother was convicted of an attempted assassination on the Tsar and was consequently hanged for his crime. His brother's activity may have sparked Lenin's interest in revolutionary activity and radicalized him as at this time Lenin began studying the writings of Karl Marx and Chernoshevsky, who had as well socialistic beliefs.


Graduated from the gymnasium and moving on to the University of Kazan, Lenin firstly came into contact with revolutionary groups. He was even expelled in December from university and placed under police surveillance for his first involvement in a demonstration. However he continued to study independently and by 1892 had earned a license to practice law. After a short exile, in 1888, Lenin contacted the Marxist group for the first time. This event was one of the first triggers, which turned Lenin into a pure communist, as the Marxist group taught Lenin everything about socialism (Felshtinsky 2010).

Consequently, Lenin took his first overseas trip in 1895. He visited Switzerland, where he came in contact with Plekhanov's 'Emancipation of Labour' group, Berlin and Paris. Plekhanov's group gave Lenin different good ideas and advises and taught him a lot of things. With their advises and experience, which was gained by him from this party (www.britannica.com), Lenin has formed 'The League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the working class' or 'League of Struggle; in short. It was his first group he founded.

However for such revolutionary ideas and beliefs Lenin was arrested and exiled to Siberia and consequently to European countries. He was kept in exile there until 1917 until the Revolution began. However Lenin didn't stop thinking and having revolutionary ideas there. On the contrast intensively Lenin was forming there parties and taking parts in different congresses and of course writing his articles, which were published in Russian newspapers.

In 1914 World War 1 broke out shorty thereafter and Lenin was arrested by the Austrians (Gooding 2002). Luckily Lenin had a chance to move back to neutral Switzerland, where no one could make any harm for him for his beliefs. The way of life in Europe changed Lenin. He could be admired by the life in Europe as the European countries were much richer than Russia and living conditions there were much better than in Russia. But in contrast he started to hate Capitalism. Therefore he was worried for his native country and wanted Capitalism to be away from Russia. That's why he didn't stop thinking about his beliefs in Europe (Hill 1971).

In February, the first uprising in St.Petersburg took place, causing the abdication of the Tsar and the installation of the Provisional Government, which was weak in taking decisions, under the control of Alexander Kerensky. The revolution has begun officially on April 10. Lenin saw the revolution and the situation in the Russia as a good chance to take over the ...
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