Why Is The Idea Of Christian Revelation Important for Christian Theology?

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Why Is the Idea of Christian Revelation Important

For Christian Theology?

Why Is The Idea of Christian Revelation Important for Christian Theology?


The revelation is a religion; it claims to have knowledge of divine source. The divine manifestations by which this knowledge has reached the men are sometimes apparitions (theophanies), sometimes the inspiration for prophets of texts considered sacred. The religions of Abraham, Judaism, the Christianity and Islam, in particular are said to be revealed religions each with their own sacred book that was revealed to them with details and instructions on their religion. Torah is of Judaism, Quran for Islam and the Bible for Christianity.

Revelation and Christianity

In theology Christian, there are general revelation (by which God reveals Himself to all people, including the nature of the conscience and history) and special revelation (by which God reveals by words or actions). Special revelation culminates in Jesus Christ, whom the Scriptures (the Bible) testify. Two applications of special revelation are continuing revelation, concept that, at times, God communicates his will to continue his prophets (see Amos 3:7), and personal revelation, the concept that every person on earth may receive communications from God to be guided in his life.

On the other hand, in the Bible the word Apocalypse, often used to describe a disaster in everyday language, actually means revelation. The Apocalypse of St. John is the only book type of apocalyptic New Testament. Other apocalyptic writings were written, but they have not been included in the canon.

These are apocryphal. The term "Apocalypse" is also translated into English by Revelation Book (McGrath's. 2010).

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