Why The Civil War Was Unavoidable

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Why the Civil War Was Unavoidable

American Civil War

The American Civil War was fought with such ferocity that it cost more lives than all of America's other wars combined. The ferocity of the arguments about its causes reflects the complexity of the forces at work in American pre-war society, which brought on the war after a decade of political crises. Since ever in the United States there were always disputes between the North and South. Main cause was the disagreement on the issue of slavery. While the slave owners represented in the southern states the view that slavery was the foundation of prosperity, economic growth and peace, and legitimized by the right to possession, held the Yankees to believe that slavery was incompatible with the founding ideals of the republic (Foster & Gaines, Pp.98).

Thesis Statement

Why American Civil War was unavoidable?


The U.S. economic growth was unabated, particularly by the high rate of population growth and the associated increase in the habitat. The gross national product rose in the first half of the 19th Century, a seven-fold to. Thus, the high economic growth in the early days of the South was due to his slavery. Later, however, the picture changed. With the construction of the transcontinental railroad and the introduction of the telegraph, the way was free for the modernization of the economic system. Factories were built and goods were produced for the most part with the help of machines. This development was marked but for the most part from the northern states in the U.S., while the south for a long time was dependent on the export of its agricultural goods (Kelly & Patrick, Pp.69-75).

Most historians agree that there are many causes of the civil war of America and focus on the difference levels between the North and South in terms of differences in the economic situation in the concepts of intellectual and lifestyles, and point to the dispute between the Federal Government and States on the authorities of those States, and remember blundering politicians and the loss of order in political life during the fifties of the century nineteenth However, all the explanations refer to the issue of slavery or spin around.


The life of the people of the South depends mainly on agriculture (tobacco and cotton in particular) in the land fertile and warm climate appropriate for him to the enslaved Africans to do the job while the busy people of the ...
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