World War I: Accidental Or Designed?

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World War I: Accidental or Designed?

World War I: Accidental or Designed?


The First World War which resulted in gigantic losses occurred more by accident than by design. There were certain countries which were expecting a war but not with such earth shattering outcomes. World War I or Great War was an armed conflict that took place between 1914 and 1918 that produced more than 10 million losses. More than 60 million European soldiers were mobilized from 1914 to 1918. Originated in Europe by the rivalry between the imperialistic powers, was transformed into the first warlike conflict in covering more than half with the planet. Before World War II, this war used to be called the Great War or the War of Wars (Brasch 2009, 55). It was the second more harmful war of history after World War II (Coetzee, Frans & Coetzee 2002, 88).

Causes of World War 1

The First World War caused about 8 million deaths. With hindsight, it is difficult to understand how and why in 1914 the major European nations rushed against each other with fury. More reason to analyze with greater accuracy how the war came. While the causes of historical events are usually multiple and complex, it can still be surprising that 90 years after the beginnings of the Great War, those questions still arise about the conflict. The reason is that for very long, less attention has been devoted to analyzing the causes that determine their responsibilities, which were obviously the result of the other. We must seek the explanation of the war in the state of Europe in the early twentieth century. Not, indeed, in the aftermath of previous events such as revenge or loss of Alsace-Lorraine, but in developing nations throughout the nineteenth century. But far from creating harmony between peoples, it was more often favored the growth of national antagonisms, which moreover do not necessarily covered the enemy "inherited" from yesteryear. Thus, the secular antagonism between France and England had resolved to become "Entente Cordiale" in 1904, while the Franco-German hostility tended to develop as a result of Remembrance of the War of l870, but even more crises that had opposed France and Germany over Morocco - especially that of L911, which had left both bruised and wary public opinion towards each other .The French, at least some journalists and some generals feared a "surprise attack" German, while the Germans were convinced that the spirit of revenge continues to flourish in France, a view that could only reinforce the attitude of part of the French press and the kind of "militaristic demagogy" which manifested itself during the recovery from three years of military service in 1913. Another key element: the alliance between France and Russia, which could make us fear to Germany, where appropriate, a war on two fronts. When, furthermore, in 1907, Russia approached the United Kingdom, the feeling of being a true siege spread in Germany, which existed at the time, an obsession of ...
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