Youtube Commercial On “dove Evolution”

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YouTube commercial on “Dove Evolution”


Introduced in 2006, Dove's Evolution ad was released over the Internet through YouTube. Well-received, the ad garnered over 12 million views and won several advertising awards. Evolution, exposing the unrealistic nature of beauty advertisements, promoted the Dove Self-Esteem Fund and the Dove Real Beauty Workshop for Girls - both of which seek to broaden the conventional definition of beauty. By promoting the fund and workshop, the ad simultaneously promoted the Dove brand, which creates several personal care products including soaps, hair products and facial care products (Hughes, pp. 4).

Assessing the commercial whether it persuades its audience of its central claim and reason

Back in 2006, Dove released its evolution advertisement. It highlighted how natural beauty often distorted in the world of fashion to create an ever immaculate image of perfection which does not exist. We know this is old news, but ladies not only love this campaign, but champion how Dove exposed the cracks of the industry to make them feel more beautiful, also set Dove aside from other beauty campaigns which use the image of the unattainable to sell products. The evolution advertisement is a part of Dove's Real Women ad campaign. The campaign seems to come from Dove's belief system rather than a marketing ploy, and even though the advertisements helped increase Dove's revenue in the USA last year by 700%, they did so because people identified with the message of the advertisement to get that acceptance with a belief takes sincerity. The advertisements are a consistent series that do not seem like one-off attempts to appeal to the belief that all women are beautiful. The advertisements convey that all women are beautiful, and the Evolution ad even helps women understand the amount of trickery used to sell products. Sure, the woman in the scene is pretty, but she done over by 10 people, and then photoshopped to be something she could not possibly be. Women need to understand that they are beautiful, and men have to understand that the women we see every day in print and movies are misrepresentations of the fairer sex. We're all victims of visual distortion (Himpe, pp. 52).

Analysis of advertisement's audience

As one of their critical consumers, Dove is directing this ad to women. This proves to be a marketing tool, as the company depicts women with which consumers can identify. This campaign was a direct response to the issue of women's lack of self-esteem. The campaign's statistics show that only two percent of women worldwide would describe themselves as beautiful.

Argumentative purpose of advertisement

The commercial has two objectives: to spread their campaign for self-esteem, as well as market their product. It proven that companies, which are active, in their communities, such as Tupperware (a cutlery brand) and Dove have more loyal consumers than those who just sell their merchandise. This method allows consumers to see that Dove has their best interests in mind; therefore, they are more inclined to buy Dove products (Etcoff, pp. 13).

How the advertisement supports its central ...
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