Abraham Lincoln

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Lincoln Personality in American Civil War

Lincoln Personality in American Civil War


The presidency of Abraham Lincoln was said to be dominated by war yet, his experience to warfare was very little. During his presidency, a number of political and constitutional issues give birth to the Civil War. This war was against the issues regarding powers and limitations of the highest authorities. Moreover, determination of civil liberty in State was amongst the one of the prime reason of the war. Lincoln's flexibility and pragmatism were the two basic guiding principles which are highly important to understand today.

The American Civil War

The American Civil War is reconciled as the actual Industrial War today because of the extensive use of weapons, steamships telegraphs and railroads. This war is the most deadly war in American history resulting in the death of approximately 620,000 soldiers and thousands of civilians. The war was against slavery in the United States for strengthening the role of the federal government on state issues. The social, political, economic and racial issues of the war decisively shaped the reconstruction era that lasted to 1877 (Stoddard, 1885).

Causes of Secession

The American Civil War was escalated because of the raising issue of slavery in 1850s. Despite, from the very beginning causes of war were complex and controversial. Lincoln's's Republican Party wanted to prevent society from slavery, which was the major cause of secession of many Southern leaders. He consistently made preserving efforts for union and discard slavery. His decision of Emancipation Proclamation boosted most Republican; on the contrary, it resulted in brutal damage of peace among Peace and War Democrats. Also, Republicans gained enormous support for the protection of democracy and disregarding slavery, which was the main enemy of democracy (Davis, 1999).

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