Advantages Of Bilingual Education

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Advantages of Bilingual Education

Advantages of Bilingual Education


The term 'Bilingualism' is the ability to utilize or the daily use of two languages with fluently and advanced proficiency. Bilingualism got to classify into the simultaneous bilingualism, in which an individual got to introduce to two concurrent languages. Similarly, the sequential bilingualism in which an individual got to present to other/second language after presented to a first language (Crawford, 2008). The level of an individual observes the costs and benefits that are associated with the system's introduction, and it fosters the bilingual education to children from diverse cultural backgrounds. Whereas, the educational level observes the issues and consequences that arise from the bilingualism theory in the context of United States, and it provides support for multi-lingual people (Hinkel, 2011). Bilingual education got to define as an educational program that allows students to take an initial step in improving their bilingual skills. A large number of such programs focus on the improving the experience of the students in understanding English language (Hakuta 1989, p374). In the United States, there has been a lot of discussion surrounding the topic of bilingual and multicultural education at the personal and social level.


There are a large number of students in schools across the United States that fail to reach their academic potential due to their lack of understanding of the primary language of instruction i.e. English. There are more than 10 million students currently enrolled in the US education school system, whose mother language is other than English (Zelasko 2000, p5). These immigrant students do not have a good understanding of the language and fail to grasp the essential concepts that got to teach in the classroom and later develop complex learning disabilities. If they go on and learn the language, that is done on the expense of losing ...
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