Antwone Fisher

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Antwone Fisher

The story developed in Antwane play is a very touching one and represents aspects of how human behavior can be affected by the social environment. Antwane Fisher himself wrote the story, which is based on a true story discussing his past life. The story tries to bring forth many forms of human behavior dimensions that can develop during an individual's life span from young age to adulthood. The form a human behavior of a particular individual takes dependent on environmental experiences can also be largely influenced by age. The character of this African American navy man (Derek) as developed in this play tries to explain developmental trajectory that is affected by past experiences (Mim, 45-51).

This issue is clearly shown in this play Antwone Fisher where the main character is a victim of past experiences. Fisher's character is really troubled by past experiences ranging from physical abuse to sexual abuse at early stages in life. This makes Fisher develop terrible and violent anger characters in his adulthood. He has a very serious problem in managing his tempers and any simple misunderstanding escalates to violent outbursts. The play shows how Fisher is unable to control his anger and many times picks up fights with fellow navy officers.

The character is at an age considered vulnerable and any forms of experiences that are emotionally damaging indeed have adverse implications psychologically. The character experiences abusive woes and he is not mature enough not to develop violent related behaviors in his life. It is actually because of such early experiences that make the character perceive conduct himself violently and outrageous even in his adulthood (Duck, 78-81). The character is unable to control his tempers and any simple misunderstandings and arguments eventually lead to fights. He is mentally affected by this horrible dark past to a degree that he believes that problems can only be solved violently. Since his early age, he is conversant with violent situations and psychologically believes that violence is part and parcel of humanity. The play presents a perfect example of how dimensions in human behavior can actually be hugely dependent on early maltreatment. Children are more vulnerable to such psychological damages than adolescents and adults. It is evident that children who have experienced abuse will have troubled and unhappy behaviors compared to those who just witness such abuse. Child maltreatment is strongly associated with domestic violence and hence far reaching implications in children's behavior and healthy development. The development of many aspects such as secure attachments, cognitive skills, peer relationships and language skills is broadly affected by child maltreatment (Rivas, 34-38).

The play confirms evidence from many researches that once children of below the age of ten are exposed to prolonged violence, there is a tendency for them in adulthood to develop psychiatrist problems. Exposure to violence really presents multiple implications and high risks of negative outcomes in a child development. The parent or any other caretaker should offer protective measures in the child development. However, in this play the opposite ...
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