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HIV in the aging Population

[Name of the Author]

[Name of the Institute]

HIV in the Aging Population


Problem Statement

The intention of this research study is to identify and address several issues associated with HIV patients in the aging population. The research addresses causes and impact of HIV on older adults in United States of America and around the world. What do the adults know about HIV prevention and what initiatives and programs are needed to reduce its transmission in aging population? And how does HIV diagnosis impact their social network composition?


Human immunodeficiency virus is a lentivirus that causes another infection, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome also known as AIDS. HIV virus was first identified and diagnosed in 1980s. The virus affects the human immune system making them susceptible to various other viruses and infection. It takes, on average, almost ten years for someone suffering with HIV to develop AIDS. The disease is transmitted through sexual and blood to blood contact. The development of various infections in a patient suffering from AIDS will ultimately lead him to death.

The number of people aged 50 years and above suffering with AIDS has been increasing since last few years. The increase is due to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which has made many HIV infected person to live longer. HAART is a combination of drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS. Although, HAART is not a cure but it slow down the damages caused by the infection and allow the infected person to live longer. Hence the treatment also helps in reducing the number of deaths every year. As the population continues to age, it is very important to be aware of several challenges faced by older people and to educate them and provide them information and services to help them fight against the infection.


Causes and Impact of HIV in Older People

According to a program “Health, Prevention and Wellness” conducted by administration on aging, over 1 million people are living with HIV and the number is constantly growing and out of those thirty-one percent people are over the age of 50. By the end of decade more than half of Americans living with HIV will be over 50 years of age (Lauran Neergaard, 2012). Numerous studies are examining the causes of HIV/AIDS in senior citizens. They are examining how heart disease, thinning bones, and other set of health problems typically observed in senior people seem to hit HIV even when they are in their early 50's only.

The rise of HIV infection in older people can primarily be associated with two factors:

Successful treatment of HIV through highly active antiretroviral therapy.

Increased numbers of new diagnosis is found in older people.

While highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has decreased the number of AIDS cases especially in America, it, on the other hand, has also increased the number of people living with long standing HIV infection (National Institute of Health, 2012). A variety of HIV associated non-AIDS conditions have also increased. These conditions include lung disease, cardiovascular disease, infection ...
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