Assessing Central Tendency And Descriptive Statistics

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Assessing Central Tendency and Descriptive Statistics

Assessing Central Tendency and Descriptive Statistics

Activity 1

In an article titled' Social support and cervical and breast cancer screening in Argentinean women from a rural population,” the researchers examined the influences of emotional support relating to screening test for breast cancer in females. This cross-sectional study conducted a household survey sampling 200 Argentinean female participants. A self-reporting questionnaire was used to generate data regarding cancer screening tests. Specifically, three types of screening tests were noted: Breast Self Examination (BSE), Cervical Cancer Screening, and Breast Cancer Clinical Examination. The social and economic backgrounds were also noted. For gauging the amount of social support, Duke-UNC-11 was used (Gamarra & Griep 2009). The analysis was held using the Logistic Model (Akhtar, 2008). This model supported the hypothesis of the research. The researchers found strong association of emotional social support and Pap screening. However, the link between breast examination and social support was weakly established. Nevertheless, emotional social support was found to play significant role in cervical cancer screening and detection. The researchers further assert that nursing practice must incorporate actions that aim to encourage social ties among the Argentinean women

In another study published in Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, the researchers investigated various dimensions relating to social support amongst women with particular regards to cancer risk. These dimensions included the informational, emotional, tangible, positive social interaction and affection. This cross sectional study monitored data of 1366 women participants (Kinsinger et al 2009). All the participants were recruited from general population. One of the aims of the study was to investigate the effects of perceptions regarding breast cancer risk on stress levels of the participants. The study found that a higher perception regarding breast cancer risk was attributed with a high level of depression in women, especially those belonging to poor social and community support. A stronger support was found to be linked with lower risk of anxiety and depression. To put simply, the stronger the cognition of cancer risk, the higher the level of worry. However, women with good levels of interaction and social support noted smaller risk of anxiety relating to breast cancer risk. The results of this research warrant the need for stronger social support for women to avoid the emotional distress relating to breast cancer risk perceptions (American Music Therapy Association, 1999).

Breast cancer screening could also be facilitated by non-traditional modes. In an article by Park et al (2011), the authors suggest that a church based screening program for breast cancer can considerably help rural women to early detect or diagnose breast cancer. The church based screening program is supported for breast cancer since rural populations are noted for higher cultural and religious ties. Therefore, rural women will find it more convincing when they are offered informal breast cancer screening programs at churches (Park, Ward & Braun, 2011). For the purpose of this study, the authors conducted a small trial recruiting 198 Native Hawaiian women participants. The participants strongly supported the culturally integrated screening ...
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