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The paper is based on the usage of quiz that helps the student in increasing the preparation of students for their lectures, participation in the class activities and their attendance that is mandatory for the minimum passing marks. It has been observed that the students in their very first year of accounting classes are not prepared for the accounting syllabus as they have never studied the course in their previous academic career. The students taking the start of the accounting classes are initially at beginner's level having non accounting subjects as their majors. This factor makes them less motivated towards their studies. Due to this problem, the teachers of the accounting subjects are faced with great challenges in terms of educating beginner level accounting students.


The challenges that the teachers have to face during their teaching to non accounting students are difficult. However various strategies can be formulated in order to motivate the students towards their educations. The strategies have been designed to address various issues like making the students to come on time in their classes, to participate within the class activities and discussions in a meaningful manner and to remain prepared for the lectures. The issues that have been discussed in the above lines can be resolved through the up taking of the quiz. The quiz is to be taken at the beginning of every class at the start of the day so that the students can make participation in the quiz. The quiz is based on the easy to grade questions based on various concepts that the students is required to answer. However the student would be able to answer the questions only if they have learned their previous lessons including the textbook pages assigned. According to the past researches, it has been observed that these quizzes are meant to enhance the motivation level of the students that improve their behaviour towards learning, preparation and participation and the attendance. Moreover these quizzes also facilitate the administration of the educational institutions to have low levels of failure rate in the semester examinations that is mainly done due to the up taking of the daily quiz. It has also been analysed that there is no bad impact on the evaluations of the instructors and the course itself.

Various reasons have been underlined for the students facing difficulties in their beginning years of accounting education. The most important reason of facing difficulty by the students having non accounting major is that of, the students are not able to completely enjoy the benefits of accounting skills and the related information. It makes the students to show limited likeness towards the subject while having poor academic grades. Similarly another important reason that the students faced difficulty in their beginning level of accounting courses is the new challenge that they have to face in learning particular skills that are required for the completion of difficult accounting subjects. It is this reason that makes the student ...
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