Assignment 2: Poverty And Pollution Case Study

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Assignment 2: Poverty and Pollution Case Study

Assignment 2: Poverty and Pollution Case Study

Determine the ethical implications of businesses polluting in a third world country. Explain your rationale.

The reports of deteriorating environmental standards cause the perception that the lives of children of poor countries may be worse than their own. The environmental pollution is on the verge of blast in developing countries. According to a study, unless there is not a serious direction regarding pollution and other environmental controls, the living standards of people will further deteriorate by 2050 (Ward, 2011). There are several stakeholders responsible for the environmental disasters the developing countries are facing today. These stakeholders include government, common people and most importantly, the businesses.

The organizations working in developing countries do not maintain their environmental ethical promises and standards. The operations of businesses working there often cause the environment to pollute. The pollution can be in the form of air or water pollution. The factories located near urban population cause toxic emissions in the air and are responsible for air pollution to a large extent. Moreover, the liquid toxic and waste material of the factories, which are often seen to be, mixed with river and other usable water resources cause water pollution.

The third world countries are found to be most vulnerable to pollution and environmental destruction. The authorities responsible for taking measures against pollution seem to be less concerned about the implications of pollution in third world countries. Moreover, the world business community seems to be less concerned about global business ethical standards and disregards any ethical implications of polluting the environment. However, the effects of pollution have been adverse to economic growth. The pollution and non ethical standards of businesses affect the public image of the company; still many multinationals are not bothered about polluting any third world country.

Environmental pollution has caused an increase in concerns among the general population of third world countries. Burning fossil fuels have caused serious health related issues. The businesses involved in polluting the population needs to review and revise their policy and attitude regarding pollution. The pollution is, in fact, decreasing the economic and social living standards of third world population.

Suggest the reasons a business may conduct operations in a third world country and disregard any standards of pollution control.

The businesses in third world countries are often found to have less concern about pollution. There can be several reasons behind such an unethical approach by the business community. The polluting industries have moved to third world countries due to the social economic and legal consequences. The differences among the polluting standards of developed and a third world country act as an encouragement for polluting industries to ambush into third world countries.

One reason for the businesses conducting operations in a third world country and disregarding pollution control standards is that the environmental standards and governmental control regarding environment are often not so strict. The loose governmental control on pollution encourages businesses operating in third world countries to ...