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The trans-thoracic echocardiography is a form of clinical examination that has become a basic technique for the diagnosis of heart diseases. This process is one of the best monitoring procedures that can detect the anomalies in heart functions in order to detect the disease. It is a painless examination that does not involve any risk and contraindication. The echocardiography is often free from the side effects; in addition, the process does not involve radiation using ultrasound. This is the core reason that makes the procedure safe for children and pregnant women (O'Rourke, Fuster, Alexander, Wellens, 2001, 321).

This paper will analyze different LVEF reports on the basis of statistical application. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore different range of functions characterized by LVEF. There are different percentages allocated to the diverse LVEF functions; if LVEF represents the percentage >50%, it can be interpreted as a normal function. If LVEF shows percentage ranging from 40-50%, it means borderline normal function. When the LVEF reports are from percentage 30-39%; it can be analyzed as borderline dysfunction. In addition, if LVEF repost represents the percentage from 20-29% or <20%, it can be interpreted as moderate dysfunction and severe dysfunction respectively. In addition, the paper also analyzes the correlation between the reported LVEF and the function grade in trainee staff and the experienced staff. For this analysis, the study has categorized the data from the scale of 1-6, where 1 represents severely imparted function, 2 denotes moderate to severely impaired function, 3 represents moderately impaired function, 4 denotes mild to moderately impaired function, 5 indicates mildly impaired function, and 6 designates good function.


In this category of the analysis, the study will explore the correlation between the groups of operators. Nevertheless, the paper analyzes the sources that are responsible to observe the LVEF reports. There are two categories of samples that are drawn for the analysis in this paper; trainee staff and the experienced staff. In this form of the analysis, the study focuses on the correlation between the reported LVEF and the function grade in trainee staff and the experienced staff.

The Statistical Technique Used for Analysis

The first segment of the task demands to measure the difference of the function between the two groups of operators. The most suitable and reliable technique to be used in this scenario is one sample t-test. A one-sample t-test is a hypothesis test for determining whether the mean of a population is different from some known (test) value (Ware, Brewer, 1999, 65). The one-sample t-test is appropriate whenever the researcher wants to determine whether the mean of some population differs from some test value. Note the one-sample t-test closely resembles the one-sample z-test (Wainer, Braun, 1988, 89). The difference is that the z-test is used when the standard deviation of the population being studied is known, whereas the t-test is used when the standard deviation of the population is not known (Balkin, Mallows, 2001, 101). Therefore, one sample t-test was the most appropriate technique to be ...
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