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Assignment Question

Assignment Question


Globalization creates the trends towards the increase in the communication medium, global competition, improves the quality of product, increase of workers knowledge, improvement in the economic and social trend, decrease the pressure of price, policies for the protection of the rights of workers and employees around the globe, efficiency in the business activities and strategies etc. global economy and china's rapid growth increase the economic pressure on poor countries.


Critiques of Globalization

In the era of globalization, constrained are increasing on the domestic government because of the difference in the economic, finance and communication. Many of the scholars examined about the economic forces which influence the public policies of domestic country and also the politics. Globalization affects the two forces that are economic forces and domestic policies. So, domestic policies should be made according to the changes in globalization. Changes in the international market, influences the rules and regulation of the domestic country. It is the confusion occur that how globalization affect the policy of any country.

Rising level of trade, finance and globalization are some of the forces which affect the overall activities of the country. This study focus on the effect of domestic policy (statutes, regulation and policies) because of the external forces (globalization). It is very important to understand the globalization and internationalization before going further. The term globalization is used to know about the increasing level of trade, finance and foreign direct investment etc. means it is refer to the increasing transcendence of borders. It means that it is the process of global finance, trade, communication, organization policies. While the term internationalization is refer to the policies make within domestic jurisdiction.

Impact of Globalization on the Business Policy of Domestic Country

Because of globalization, policies and strategies of the business are changed and new ideological trends, business rights and interest are developed. Because of these changes, now business competes worldwide and dramatic changes occur for business leaders, management and labors. It is said that globalization decreases the risk of domestic business but in other words, globalization impact negatively on the domestic business policy. Multinational companies and large organization enter into the domestic country and changes the strategies and policies regarding to the business and create a risky environment for them. Revenue and income of the domestic business decrease because of the competition provided by the multinational companies.

Changes in the Policy of Trade

Globalization brings changes in the trade policy related to the import and export. Globalization creates the barriers for the domestic country. Such barriers are changes in the policy of trade and regulation by the developed countries etc.

Impact of Globalization on Poor Countries

Some of the researcher said that economic globalization favors the poor countries like liberalization (increase in the flow of trade and finance), increase in the economic growth of poor countries, increase in the income level, increase in the standard of living of the common people etc while some opponents said that economic globalization make countries more poor than before means increase in the poverty, increase in the inequalities ...
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