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Assignment 2

Graphing calculator refers to a pocket calculator, which can represent graphs, solve systems of equations and perform a number of other tasks with variables. Advanced models allow the manipulation of symbolic, mathematical expressions, although, they can still find limitations in solving some expressions. The first graphing calculator was developed by Casio in 1985. Later, other brands followed the production of such calculators. The most popular are Texas Instruments (TI) and Hewlett-Packard (HP). All are similar in performance and power, if we compare similar models (Muschla, pp. 403).

However, such calculators may differ on the approach pursued by each brand. Casio is a popular brand in the world of education both in Europe and in Asia, and a leader in IT institutes in the United States. HP acquired its reputation in the field of engineering when it launched its first models. Despite this apparent equality between the marks, each model has its advantages and disadvantages. In general, we can say that HP is a complete calculator, but complex to manage (Cobb, pp. 185). It is designed for practitioners and researchers. Casio is easy to use and is more oriented to the student. IT is midway between the two, which is making it emerge as a serious competitor. Some of the functions of a graphing calculator are as below:

sqrt Square root of a value or expression.

Without within a value or expression

cos cosine of a value or expression

so tangent of a value or expression

asin inverse sine (arcsine) of a value or expression

acos inverse cosine (arccosine) of a value or expression

bind inverse tangent (arctangent) value or expression

sinh Inverse hyperbolic sine (arcsine) of a value or expression

cosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine (arccosine) of a value or expression

tanh Hyperbolic inverse tangent (arctangent) value or expression

exp e (Euler's constant) raised to the power of a value or expression

ln Natural logarithm of a value or expression

log Base 10 logarithm of a value or expression

floor Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) value that is less than the argument and is equal to an integer.

ceil Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) value that is greater than the argument and is equal to an integer.

abs Absolute value (distance from zero) value or expression

sign Sign (+1 or -1) of a value or expression

It is essential to reflect on the role of the solution problems in teaching and learning mathematics, so that students can learn and explore relationships between the notions, concepts and procedures. This will help students to understand and acquire knowledge about the different functions of a graphing calculator (Orton, pp. 223).

Components of a Middle School Math Class

All of the findings gathered in reviews of instructional factors related to mathematics success are similar to those found when examining instructional factors related to general academic success. Each reviewer identified a number of instructional components that are included in effective mathematics instruction (Johnston, pp. 316). The significance of the instructional components varied based on the context of the instruction. Teachers are encouraged to make adjustments in instruction based on student success ...
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