Assisted Suicide

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Assisted suicide

Assisted suicide

Assisted suicide is when doctors lend a requested hand in ending someone's life, do to living in mental or physical pain. In the past five years there has been over 29 cases of assisted suicide in the U.S. Almost every one of those cases has been brought to court as a form of murder. Between Doctors and the law there has been a whole lot of contervertial discussions on assisted suicide and if it should be illegal and counted as murder. I believe that assisted suicide should be allowed as a method of alleviating unbearable pain, do to the request of the patient. Assisted Suicide has sparked debates all over the world and no conclusion has been made; especially physicians have been faced with one challenges of whether euthanasia is a virtue or a vice. The practice is often committed though not widely.

A person should have the right to choose when it is time to end their life in their own dignified manor. Something as serious as ending one's life deserves openness. Many countries have already passed the law of assisted suicide, like the Netherlands. The Netherlands's agreement said that between the age of 12-15 they could request suicide by doctors' hand, if their parents agreed. After the age of 15 they could decide on there own weather they would like to pass on, if agreed by more than one doctor. The U.S. is supposed to be the land of justice, liberty and freedom of choice. If this is said true then why can't someone come to a conclusion through compassion and understanding without the law's conclusion of believing its murder. Assisted suicide should not be taken as a form of murder. If the patient asks to have their life ended, a caring and respectful doctor would agree to " put them down". Polls all across the world have been taken and the average result of people in favor for assisted suicide was 70% - 90%. All of those people decided that assisted suicide would be easier and less painful than waiting for death to come gradually. It is absurd that any doctor helping someone alleviate pain should be convicted to murder. Whether short or long pain, imagine watching death come closer and closer. You would think that it would cause sadness and anxiety to family and friends. This great offer which should be offered everywhere, I believe considering assisted suicide, as a crime is a diss on our legal system.

Most people have felt down on themselves at one point or another during their lifetime. Imagine feeling down or upset during most of the day, this is a state of depression. Approximately 14 million people experience a depressive disorder each year. Eighty percent of these people do not receive a proper treatment and some even turn to physician assisted suicide (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention). Physician assisted suicide is where a patient is helped in the process of suicide from the ...
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