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Scientific Paper

Scientific Paper

Figure 1: Gamma-2, Beta-1, and Alpha-s Co-localization

Figure 1: Gamma-2, Beta-1, and Alpha-s Co-localization

Encoding of expression vectors Gamma-2 and Beta-1 were transfected in cells of HEK-293 in the presence (c-h) or absence (a and b) of pcDNA3 that contains Alpha-s. Fixation of cells took place, and proteins that were expressed were pictured by immune-fluorescent discoloration as explained under procedures of experiment. The utilized antibodies are: for Alpha-s, anti HA Alexa 488 and polyclonal anti rabbit anti-bodies(c) or Alexa-488 antibodies of anti mouse (e) and anti HA monoclonal; for Beta-1, anti-Myc mono-clonal and anti mouse Alexa594 anti-bodies (a, d, & g); & for Gamma-2, anti Gamma-2 poly-clonal and 594-(f) anti-rabbit anti-bodies or Alexa488 (b & h).

Figure 2: Iso-prenylation of Gamma-2 is needed for Alpha-s reliant PM that targets Beta-1 Gamma-2, however Alpha-s doesn't have an effect on iso-prenylation of Gamma-2

Figure 2: Iso-prenylation of Gamma-2 is needed for Alpha-s reliant PM that targets Beta-1 Gamma-2, however Alpha-s doesn't have an effect on iso-prenylation of Gamma-2.

A, cells, HEK-293 were transected by a Gamma-2C68S plasma encoding in combination with expression's vectors for Alpha-s and Beta-1. After 48 h that transfection, fixation of cells took place, and immune-fluorescent Beta-1 staining was taken by use of anti-Myc mono-clonal anti-body and a 594 Alexa antimouse anti-body. B, HEK-293 cell expressing rapidly the Alpha-s (lane1), ß-1 and ?-2 (lane2), a-s, ß-1, and ?-2 (lane3), Beta-1 and Gamma-2 C-68S (lane5), or Alpha-s, Beta-1, and Gamma-2 C-68S (lane6) were subjected & lysed to Ni-NTA destroys assay that utilize an N-terminal hexa-histidine label on Beta-1. In a number of circumstances, lysates were integrated as pointed previous to the Ni-NTA pulling down assay (lane four & seven). Eluates have examined for Alpha-s existence by Western blotting and SDS-PAGE by the use of an anti HA mono-clonal anti-body. C, cells of ...
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