Book Report: Mona Lisa Smile

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Book Report: Mona Lisa Smile

Book Report: Mona Lisa Smile


The book “Mona lisa Smile” is written by Deborah Chiel who depicts a UCLA graduate Katherine Watson that holds a position of an art history teacher at the most esteemed Wellesley College. Katherine wants to sketch a plan for motivating her students to get success by how well they marry, and find a liberty they never thought possible. The independent Katherine faces the similar changes for her own self and she must need to stand to the management, for inspiring her students to glance over the image.

Discussion Analysis

Katherine Ann Watson, a thirty year old student gains a teaching position of "History of Art" in the department of Art History at Oakland State" at Wellesley College. It is a conventional liberal arts college of women in Massachusetts and she wills to create a distinction and influence the women's upcoming generation. Katherine discussion over the smile of Mona Lisa became the foundation of her leader's personality, even though she was warned by the College President to stick to her class syllabus, but she continued her freedom teachings among students. She is the protagonist of the book and changes the shape of teaching arts and explores the inner realities hidden in it. Katherine is famous to resists the principles and attempts to aid her students from their tumid fates. While reading a book, it seems great that how Katherine holds her prestige in front of snobbish college girls who already had in depth knowledge of the text material. However, she determined to not fall in pressure and she challenged the idea of girls that what instituted art and disclosed them to modern artist not backed by the board of schools. Her daring act certainly forces students to think and research out of their conventional views. Katherine's leadership personality proves in this scene as she gets success to lead the student on her directed path that eventually gained their esteem.

Katherine was sarcastically challenged by Betty Warren, who caused the friend and colleague of Katherine, Amand to be terminated by disclosing in a school newspaper editorial that the free-thinking faculty member was issuing birth control devices to the students. It was not acceptable for the college management to endure this kind of charge as they believed supplying contraceptives is like promoting sexual activity in women before marriage. The novel portrays that college insists the interaction among women and men must be maintained to good outlook even their real behavior differs from original one. On the other hand, the mind set of Katherine refuses to accept the false appearance of human and focuses over the liberty to discover what a woman actually feels and thinks without boundaries. Katherine galvanized the students by provoking their mindless accordance to the conventional role of woman as needy housewife and their rejection to search for careers in which they can entirely build and convey their wisdom talents. Betty was one of the students, who was completely influenced by her dominating mother and was ...