Brandon Carlos

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Brandon Carlos

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Brandon Carlos


Breadon Carlos is primarily an American market based auto trading company, which would seek to penetrate the local market. The company has a clear strategic vision, in which it would seek to capitalize on the demand for the famous vehicle brand s in the vast US market. The American market is one of the most attractive markets in terms of the auto trading industry, due to the financial resources available to the vast middle class segment. Hence in the initial phase the American economy can be identified as the ideal and the most attractive investment markets, for Brandon Carlos, as it will allow the company to establish a strong brand image and also attain a stable revenue function. Another reason why the American market can be identified as the ideal primary target for the company is the significance of this market in terms of the global branding image.

The American market is one of the strongest and the widely recognized business entities, in the context of the contemporary global business sector. Hence any organization that is able to establish a strong brand image in the American market will attain considerable global recognition, and provide Brandon Carlos with the ideal platform to launch the brand in other global markets. The success in the American busies environment will enable the organization to attain the adequate experience and the recognition in the industry, to be able to enter in to the highly competitive global auto trading industry (Nickerson & Moisey, 1999). In this perspective the performance of the organization in the initial American consumer market will play a crucial role in the international expansion plans, held by the senior management at Brandon Carlos. However the company cannot implement the business strategy applied in the American business environment, to the rest of the global markets.


Domestic Branding Strategy

In the American consumer market the branding strategy of the company will be focused on establishing Brandon Carlos as an affordable and high quality automobile trader. The company's main focus will be to target the SEC B and C segment of the American population, by providing high quality Ford SUVs at affordable costs. In the American market there is a relatively high demand for the quality and reasonably priced SUVs as majority of the population belonging to the 20-40+ age group category requires an affordable SUV to fulfill the requirements of their professional and personal lives (Gartman, 2004). This market also has access to reasonably high amount of financial resources; hence they can afford to purchase new automobile products.

Global Branding Strategy

It is important for the senior management at the company to realize that each market has its own set of inflectional environmental factors, and a specific demand for the type of automobile products. In the countries where the socio economic environment is similar to the American model, the company can easily utilize the same strategy; however in the context of the countries where the general population does not have similar demographics or the ...
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