Breast Cancer In Males Contentsbreast Cancer In Males3

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Breast Cancer in Males

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Breast Cancer in Males3



Breast Cancer in Mean4



National Cancer Institute5

Patients Feeling & Behavior5

Types of Breast Cancer6

Mutation - A Cause of Brest Cancer6

Tests Required Studying the Disease Nature6

How Does It Spread6

Stages of Breast Cancer7

Is Brest Cancer in Men - Curable7



Breast Cancer in Males


It is commonly believed that breast cancer is mainly a woman's disease. However, although in very rare cases it can occur in men also. Medical Science gurus and experienced practitioners link breast cancer with a defective gene called BRCA-2, most commonly found in women. However, recent studies and research reports have shown that this gene may appear in a generation of men. According to a study higher amount of risk (i.e. exposure to breast cancer) has been found at the age of 50 and 70 years.

Breast Cancer is termed as a malignant tumor which basically originates from the body cells. Most of the people do not recognize and revel the fact that breast cancer can be happen in males while mostly people think that the disease belong to women only. It diagnosis can create a cautious signal for a person to consult with a doctor otherwise the malignant cell would rotate in the whole body and can cause some serious issues. The fear of cancer would make a person drowned.

A large amount of research has been conducted in the field of medical sciences which brings a major u-turn in the field of diagnostics. According to the American Institute of Health & Sciences the most common reason of death among cancer patients was breast cancer due to which every third member of the society is alleged in the disease.


Breast Cancer in Mean

About 300 men per year are diagnosed as having breast cancer. Men have a small amount of tissues behind the nipple and are not as important as in women. The male breast cancer appears mostly in men over the age of 60. Few men are aware of being the victim while others don't even think about it. Therefore, male breast cancer is usually more advanced when it is diagnosed and thus more difficult to treat.


Men having breast cancer may experience some unique and different kind of symptoms. The most commonly known symptom is one or more lumps in the breast, while on the other hand symptoms include a change in appearance, Structure (shape or skin color) change in nipple and growth of the nipple, small red patches also appear on the nipples or on the surrounding area. Unlike women breast pain is a rare symptom of breast cancer. Tenderness and lump can be felt in the breast area a lump in the breast doesn't mean that a person is necessarily a victim of breast cancer.

The major cause of breast cancer is amount of estrogen (Female hormone) or a decrease in the amount of androgens (Male hormone) in the blood. However, if you notice some changes in your breast, or if you find a lump, always consult your doctor


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