China Silk Industry

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China Silk Industry

China Silk Industry


The earliest known silk was the Chinese. Found they could make her a fabric to make dresses, and found a way to extract the animal that produced them. The word is used to denote silk secretions filament produced by the larvae of some types of butterflies. Therefore caterpillars are popularly known as "Silkworms". The discovery of silk dates back to about 2600 years BC when Chinese Emperor Hwang-Te entrusted the creation of the silkworm his wife, Hish-Ling-Shi, as illustrated in the discussion. The silk is made from cocoons of the caterpillar of several moths. The most common is the Bombyx mori silkworm mulberry silk, which accounts for 95% of world production. Modern sericulture is mechanized, but the production process is basically the same for 5000 years. The discovery of silk by men is full of legends. For Confucius (551-479 BC), the honor went to Empress Hsi-Ling-Shi, in 2640 BC While savoring the afternoon tea, a cocoon of silkworm silk have fallen into the boiling drink, the Empress realized, softened , the pod could be rolled to form a wire. The legend is so fanciful that may even be true.

The Chinese had exclusivity in manufacturing silk for three millennia! Aware of the commercial value of tissue that can be used in hot or cold days, the Chinese government banned the export of eggs of moths and mulberry seeds, condemning the traffickers. Europeans only unraveled the mystery in 552, when the Roman Emperor Justinian sent some monks to China in espionage mission. In the bag, religious alleged hid eggs silkworm silk inside bamboo staves. Constantinople became the first center silk Europe. In the following centuries, sericulture has spread to all continents.

The Chinese Silk Industry

The Chinese observed that the caterpillars could live, thrive and create captive, if well fed mulberry leaves. When born, the caterpillar does not weigh more than a tenth of a milligram. In adulthood, with a length nine inches, it weighs 10 grams. The Chinese guarded their knowledge as best they could, because they wanted to be the ones to produce the silk, which sold worldwide. The silk was transported overland across the Himalayas, India and Persia, until you get to Turkey, Greece and Rome, a route known as the Silk Road. In the year 550, the Roman emperor Justine, decided to implement the silk industry in the empire of the East, and for this he sent two Persian monks to China, so bring some eggs of the silkworm and knowledge necessary for their creation. Once hatched, the creation evolved being entrusted with the friends of the emperor. Over time, the knowledge spread to other countries, not getting creating Critter restricted to a privileged group of people silk (Hursthouse, Rosalind, 1991).

The Chinese had exclusivity in manufacturing silk for three millennia! Aware of the commercial value of tissue that can be used in hot or cold days, the Chinese government banned the export of eggs of moths and mulberry seeds, condemning the ...
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