Can The Enzymes In A Banana Be Slowed Or Speed Up In A Temperature Control Enviroment?

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Can the enzymes in a banana be slowed or speed up in a temperature control enviroment?

Can the enzymes in a banana be slowed or speed up in a temperature control enviroment?


Many people believe that cooler and warmer temperatures have an effect on the ripening of bananas. This experiment will be testing the affect the affect of temperature on bananas. Knowing which temperatures thwart and accelerate the ripening process is important because transporters need to prolong the life of bananas while they ship them from one place to another(Aharoni et al., 2000). It is important that farmers, transporters, merchants, grocers, consumers, and other agriculturists know how long it will take for bananas to ripen at a certain temperature so they minimize waste and maximize profits. The purpose of this experiment is to find out which temperatures will prolong and decrease banana ripening time.

This paper is based on testing how to slow or speed up the enzymes in a banana through a temperature control environment. Specifically this scientific based test is conducted to explore how a group of bananas can become ripen quicker in a room temperature and how the ripening of bananas can be slowed by putting the bananas in the refrigerator. The difference in temperature should give us the conclusion that temperature is a factor on how bananas ripen. Thereafter, comes the Material and method (ex. Bananas placed on a paper plate on kitchen counter (room temperature) and bananas placed on a paper plate in the refrigerator with a temperature of 32 to 44F). Thereafter, come the results. Then discussion and finally the word cited.

Literature Review

Storing bananas in a fridge will cause the skin to turn brown, but actually slows the ripening process. Stored in a bowl with fruit at room temperature, the release of gases from the banana may cause the fruits in the bowl to over-ripen. This is fine if you have fruits which you want to ripen quickly, such as avocado(Asiph 2000). At room temperature, a banana will ripen and begin to turn brown. Bananas can typically be kept this way in the refrigerator for about a week. This is obviously significantly longer than an optimally ripe banana will last at room temperature, which always seems to me to be approximately 6 seconds(Bouwmeester, 1999).


This paper is based on scientific research method. Independent variable is the environment, since it is not dependent on anything but the experiment (we're not going to conduct this outside). Dependent variable is the ripening speed of the bananas, because this is changing based on the environment.


Make sure all bananas are about equally unripe; if there is a significant difference between any two, then get new bananas.

Take one banana. Look it at, note the color, peel it, and take a bite; record the taste (the sweetness) in your data table. Feel the banana; is it hard and firm or soft and mushy?

Place one banana under normal conditions. This means somewhere around room temperature, good light exposure, on the kitchen counter or some similar ...