Canada City

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Population, Cities in Canada

Population, Cities in Canada


Development of Canadian cities has been marked by both continuity and change in diversity. Their primary purpose has been exceeded, but their history has left its mark. Each of them participated in its own way to the steps of the transformation of modern Western economics: the pre-industrial based on trade and agriculture, the industrial phase and factories, the economy "post-industrial "service-oriented. The movement of economic and political forces within the countries also affected in different ways, for example, the Maritimes once enjoyed the most developed economy of the British North America, but as they had not industrialized, they have not attracted the immigration that followed. Therefore, small population, in addition to a fairly large indigenous minority, are of British, Irish and French (Acadian), and includes an ethnic mix that varies away from the countryside to the city (Lightman, 2003).


Canada has a population of 33,300,000 people, which gives a very low population density of more than 3 h / km ². However, the population is very unevenly distributed. Most of the country has population densities around 1 h / km ². The northern half is largely uninhabited. Huge territories, as Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Yukon and all the north accumulate over 3% of the total population. On the contrary there are two foci of densely populated population: the Great Lakes environment and surroundings of Vancouver. The provinces of Ontario and Quebec account for two thirds of the total population, and added the people of British Columbia amounted to three quarters. The provinces of Alberta, and Manitoba Saskatchewan in the center of the country, totaling over 6% of the population, most of them around the U.S. border, which is the line connecting the Great Lakes to Vancouver. The same build up the Atlantic provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

The Canadian population is a modern demographic transition that ended around 1975. Population growth has a very small, about 0.8% per annum, and this despite having a migration balance of 5 ‰. The population is slightly older. About 16% of the population is under 15 years, 69% are between 15 and 65, and 16% over 65 years. The birth rate is low, around 10 ‰, giving a fertility rate of about 1.5 children per woman. The mortality rate is very low, around 7.6 ‰, and even lower mortality rate, around 5 ‰, as befits a developed country with health coverage.

Canada is a country inhabited recently. The first official census, which dates from the mid nineteenth century, gives figures of some 2,500,000 inhabitants, mostly immigrants from Europe: England, Scotland, Ireland and France. The Inuit, who live in the north, have always been a minority. The immigration surges in the 1910s and 1940-50, coinciding with the world wars and political and economic difficulties in Europe (Armitage, 2003).

Canada was colonized by the French and English simultaneously. The French arrived in the seventeenth century and occupy Quebec through the St. Lawrence River and founded Montreal in ...
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