Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study


Social exclusion means the lack of involvement of segments of the population in the social, economic, political and cultural life of their societies due to lack of rights, resources and core capabilities (access to law, the labor market, education, information technology, to health systems and social protection, public safety) that enable full social participation. Social exclusion is a key concept in the context of the European Union (EU) to address situations of poverty, vulnerability and marginalization of parts of its population. The concept has also spread, although more limited, outside Europe. The EU declared 2010 as the European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion (Forrester & Harwin, Pp. 156, 2008).


In the case of Ruth, the social exclusion is because of poverty, the sexual abuse of her daughter Megan, her alcohol consumption, as well as, the personality disorders that she has. There is no consensus on the meaning of the concept of social exclusion. In the extensive literature exists today on the subject is given very different contents depending on the approach used. Therefore, in a literature review conducted in 2007 by the United Nations states that: "As a concept, is described most eloquently in the literature as nebulous, ambiguous, polyvalent and polymorphous." The World Bank, in another synthesis of existing studies, says: "Despite all the available literature on social exclusion, there is no clear definition or defined indicators on social exclusion". According to another literature review, conducted this time for the World Health in 2008, the definitions of the concept of social exclusion are dozens and their commonalities not actually spend some claims about its dynamic, multidimensional and relational. Hilary Silver, one of the most outstanding Proponents of the concept of social exclusion concludes his analysis of 2007 on the development of the concept by saying: "The term is vague, ambiguous and contested in terms of content, allowing accommodative and flexible application in various contexts at the price of accuracy conceptual. The difficulties in defining social exclusion make it difficult to measure." At this level, there is a commitment but there has been no crisis. In it, the person has not taken the time to question and consider alternatives (not been in crisis) but agrees with someone else's plans for your life. They tend to be people with high levels of authoritarianism and stereotypical thinking obey authority, governed by an external control, are dependent and have low levels of anxiety. They can feel happy and secure, have close family ties, believe in law and order and become dogmatic when someone challenges their views. Parents of teens often get too involved with the children, avoid expressing differences and use denial and repression to avoid driving things they do not like (Forrester & Harwin, Pp. 156, 2008). The stigma of drug user acts produces negative social life of the individual. The process of building this stigma is simper and arbitrary, cultural and arises from the need to censor those who deviate from what is assumed or not ...
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