Change And Continuity Over Time

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Change and Continuity over Time

The Age of Absolutism

Although the revered Roman Business no longer played a considerable role in Western nation-wide politics after the Thirty Years' War, it stayed important in Malaysia, providing a structure for the many reasons in Germany they declares and places conduct their relationships. For almost a century after the Peace of Westphalia, the main danger to in German declares came from overseas. This particular language was the primary risk, taking away parts of north western Malaysia near the end of 1600s, among them the city of Strasbourg in 1681. France soldiers also conducted on in German ground during the War of Spanish Sequence (1701-1714). In addition to these military actions, This particular language established the most considerable alliances with some in German declares, with Bavaria, which sought support against nearby Luxembourg. The Ottoman Business also presented a risk. In 1683 its forces trapped Vienna (Madaras, 2008).

Absolutism and the Social Contract

In 1589, in France, the Bourbon Henry IV tried to achieve the concentration of powers; emerging victorious from the Frond uprising that occurred between 1648 and 1653. Between 1643 and 1715, Louis XIV, known as the "Sun King", coined the phrase "I am the state", which symbolizes the aspiration of the absolutism of the time. He was a skillful diplomat, who organized the best seventeenth-century European army.

But other voices emerge, such as Locke (1632-1704) that will rise to call for limiting the power of the sovereign to prevent unlimited and arbitrary exercise of power. Hobbes also spoke as the existence of a social contract, but for Locke, the state of nature was not hostile but people lived harmoniously. The state was due to see the benefits it would bring its constitution, for greater security and protection of the rights of all, avoid private revenge. For these individual members of the State reserved the supreme power and can remove the rulers if they abuse the powers delegated by the people, who are only required to exercise their mandate.

This theory of the social contract, will be deepened by Rousseau (1712-1778), who describes the natural state as a paradise where all men are equal and enjoy a wealth of resources to ensure everyone's needs. This natural state is fully democratic, and that all men are equal, and there is no private property. It was only when nature became more rebellious causing climate change, when the goods became scarce. This led the struggle for possession of resources that are no longer plentiful and life became uncertain. Then the men felt the need to create a state that would provide increased security loss, making a social contract, where everyone agrees to submit to the will of the majority, who represent the general, will.

These last two ideas, along with other Enlightenment philosophers, would germinate democratic ideas, that after the French Revolution, would gradually destroying the political system of absolute monarchy to make way for a new system: democracy.

The Enlightenment and Society

The intellectual leaders of this movement regarded themselves as the elite of society, ...
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