Character In Architecture (Edwin Lutyens And Le Corbusier)

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Character in Architecture (Edwin Lutyens and Le Corbusier)



Character in Architecture1

Beginning and Development of Character in Architecture2


Lecorbusier Ways of Designing5

The Five Points of a New Architecture7

Edwin Lutyens Ways of Designing9


Characteristics in Lutvens Design16


Modern Architecture Needs Character - Gropius and le Corbusier Comparison18



Character in Architecture

The concept of "character" in architecture has had various interpretations since the term began to be used in the second half of the eighteenth century, having been reflection to some theorists and architects who have since made contributions relevant to the Theory of Architecture. The character result from the perfect embodiment of an architectural type of a functional program Building specific, it calls "Group-character", and relates to public buildings (for example; school, hospital, church), structuring the urban place (Dennis, 1991). There are buildings that are evident in relation to an architectural monitoring, overlapping certain barriers, by design, who may not have as objective an approach as the simple expression realization of an effective functional. These not only meet ant strict program, a perfect harmony between design, form, materials and function, but are connected to a website as if they live animals, giving the impression that their existence in this place is timeless. Its perfect relationship with the site and the program is such that indisputable makes it impossible to imagine that building different somewhere else. Their belonging to Place is so natural that almost reach to the anonymity of any work Nature. Examples are palaces, churches and places that time History elected as artwork notable exception, where the importance of detail elements or architectural style began to have less importance, prevailing throughout the buildings and the construction of place (Evers & Christof, 2011).

The first observation of these buildings is made ??from the interpretation of its facades, which is insufficient and tend to realize that there is a need for a spatial approach and temporal architectural space, the whole indoor and outdoor and phenomenological oriented approach.

The term character can be, somehow misunderstood in architecture. It usually refers to the human face which, likewise, is transposed characterizing the subject of architecture, assuming the building constructed as justification for interpreting analog or mimetic nature, idea recovered from important periods of history that in the twentieth century, back to having a role in artistic thought then (Francis,Jarzombek, & Vikram, 2006). The discipline of architecture has been challenged by new technologies that have been put to the provision of architectural creation in the nineteenth century there is a need to sought a new specificity to develop the doctrine of architectural composition, appearing Character Theory as an instrument of interpretation, preferably targeted for public architecture, that later emphasized the specificity of each architectural genre a particular cultural context.

Beginning and Development of Character in Architecture

The origins of architecture are lost along with those of humans and are known only by the few tracks that stand with the passage of time. However, it is clear that prehistoric man used the constructive arts not only for functional purposes, but also for ...