Characteristics Of Evaluators

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Characteristics of Evaluators

Characteristics of Evaluators


The systematic and methodical determination of the worth, merit, and significance of a subject is evaluation. It is conducted by practicing criteria that is managed by a set of rules and principles. Evaluation can help a project, program, organization, or any other initiative or intervention. It is done for assessing any attainable proposal or concept, aim, or any option, for helping in the decision making process.

Evaluation is also conducted for determining the achievement level or the values that are related to the objectives and goals, and outcomes of this kind of actions that has been concluded. In addition to attain the insight into existing or prior initiatives, the main function of evaluation is to facilitate suggestion and help in recognizing the changes in future.

In a context full with the moral and ethical dilemmas, the evaluation occurs. Regularly, the evaluators deal with the ethical and moral tensions that on the point of influencing the quality of their work and effort (Desautels, & Jacob, 2012). The evaluation is considered as a developing and young profession. The capabilities and skills that are required by an evaluator are still in discussions.

However, many researchers agree that the evaluators require effective argumentative and analytical expertise. The capabilities of quantitative analysis are usually a component of the training of an evaluator. However, the expertise of argumentation and logical analysis are much highlighted and focused.


Expectations from Evaluators

Individuals that want to call themselves as evaluators or professional evaluators can actually and rightfully spend a lot of their time performing various other tasks other than evaluation. They can advise program staff or planners, teach evaluation in a manner that connects to the process of evaluation. For example, this can be done by assisting the dilemmas of evaluability, developing quality control or performance indicators.

The evaluators carry out such kind of things that does not convert these actions into the process of evaluation. This is known as the process of deciding the worth, merit, or significance of the things. For instance, the physicists are the prolific and dynamic members of the department of physics at a fine university, and they might spend a lot of their time in the teaching of this subject. However, it does not make the teaching of physics a component or element of physics. On the other hand, being a physics teacher does not make someone converted into a physicist.

What the physics teachers educate in the classroom can be a part or component of the physics subject, some fraction of this teaching can be the encouraging background of physics and some part of it can be for the setting of tests and evaluations. Not any part of it, even the teaching of physics, makes them a physicist (House, 2010). In this sense, the shopkeepers and housekeepers do perform physics in daily life but this does not make them physicists. This is because the common intellect of this term needs that the main accountability and task of a real evaluator's job is to technically perform ...
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