Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity

Position statement

The task force of Adolescent obesity the Task Force which includes professionals usually represents a range of agencies which are even in practice of helping the youth of Lowa, and encourages them to further address the problems of obesity(Lawrence, 2010). The task force proposes reversing the trends in childhood obesity prevalence through;

The increase in awareness of obesity as a public health issue leaves impacts over the life quality of children.

Promoting the standard of education regarding the prevention and cure to the parents and professionals.

Encourage the caregivers and parents in order to choose right model for healthy lifestyle.

Encourage communities in order to mobilize the resources and creating various opportunities for the children and families in choosing a healthy way of life.


The therapy practitioners use various meaningful acts in order to help the children and the youth to participate in highlighting their needs and wants they want to do in regards of promoting the physical and well being of mental health (National Institutes of Health, 2009). The practitioners of the occupational therapy focus more over the participation in the areas of education, leisure, daily living activities (ADLs involve; eating, dressing, hygiene), the social participation, instrumental ADLs for example, preparing meals and shopping, sleeping and other work. All of these are some of the usual activities of children (The Omnivore's Dilemma, 2006).

The use of task analysis is to identify the factors (which involves motor, sensory, cognitive and social emotional) that might limit the successful participation across various settings. Various activities and accommodations are even used in order to promote the successful performance in schools, community settings and home.

Today, In United States childhood obesity has become an epidemic. One out of three children is considered overweight or obese. The main enablers consist of watching TV or engaging video games while consuming fast foods instead of nutritious, home-cooked meals. On average, a child will spend four hours a day playing video games while munching on potato chips and a high calorie soda (Hooker, 2010). This type of activity is directly linked to terrible grades in school, reading fewer books, and exercising less. Obese children are plagued with medical conditions stemming from high blood pressure to diabetes and most of them will develop low self esteem and depression which will continue into adulthood (The Omnivore's Dilemma, 2006). From fast food to electronics, quick and easy is the reality of ...
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