Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering

The Importance of Laboratory Experiments in Civil Engineering

The Importance of Laboratory Experiments in Civil Engineering


Civil engineering is considered as the field of issue resolvers. It is because of the reason that, the civil or construction engineers work on relatively big projects. These projects may include the projects of water systems for irrigation and drinking or the projects regarding the transportation systems like railroads, subways, airports and highways. In the current era, the civil engineers have to face several challenges due to the continuously changing trends of cost, safety and environmental conditions (Williams & Gedes, 2013, pp. 152-155). In this scenario, expertise and the effective skills of the civil engineers may play a major role in handling the risks and vulnerabilities. Researches and studies demonstrate that the profession of civil engineering is the practicing profession and incorporates the experimental skills and expertise in order to tackle with the issues of construction regarding the information, materials and other resources (Kulkarni,, 2006, pp. 303-307). The field of civil engineering aims to prepare the civil engineers to deal with the materials, sites and designs of different nature. In this situation the practical capabilities and skills may help the civil engineers in dealing with the different nature of materials, sites and designs of the buildings and constructional areas (Grigg,, 2001, pp. 200-202).

Therefore, the laboratory experiments and practical practices are the most significant and the most important aspects of the civil engineering. According to the recent surveys, it is now mandatory for all the undergraduate civil engineering students to have the practical practices in the respective field. It may significantly help them in their professional lives (Roadstrum, 2003, pp. 10-12). The proceeding paper demonstrates the role and the importance of lab experiments in the field of civil engineering. The proceeding discussion also discusses the idea that why it is necessary for the civil engineering students to complete the lab experiments in the first year of their civil engineering (Stephan, 2002, p.n.d).


The field of civil engineering is considered as the practical discipline. It is considered as a hands-on and an applied profession which is based on the practical doings. Therefore, it is necessary for all the engineering institutions to develop and establish appropriate and advanced laboratories, in order to enhance and improve the skills and capabilities of the civil engineering students (Williams & Gedes, 2013, pp. 152-155). This may significantly help the civil engineering students, after the completion of the studies. It is because of the reason that the civil engineers have to tackle the practical and real world issues during their construction projects. The importance of laboratory experiments in the field of civil engineering is elaborated in the proceeding discussion (Grigg,, 2001, pp. 200-202).

Brief Historical Over-View of Laboratory Experiment in the Field Of Civil Engineering

According to recent researches and studies, the history of lab experiments in the civil engineering is very ancient. The engineering institutions used to ensure the availability of all the advanced and latest tools ...
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