Cloze Reading Strategies And Reading Comprehension

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Cloze Reading Strategies and Reading Comprehension


Research methodology draws on relevant research design and research method that were used to carry out this study. This section is of absolute importance as it defines the course the research study essentially follows. The key component of methodology lies in the method that is used for the analysis of the data.

Research Questions/ Research Hypotheses

Can students with learning disabilities improve reading comprehension using the Cloze reading strategy?

H0: Students with learning disabilities experience improved reading comprehension using the Cloze reading strategy.

H1: Students with learning disabilities do not experiences improved reading comprehension using the Cloze reading strategy.

Can students using the Cloze reading strategy identify the process they use to answer questions?

H0: Students using the Cloze reading strategy identify the process they use to answer questions.

H1: Students using the Cloze reading strategy fail to identify the process they use to answer questions.

Can students using the Cloze strategy identify what strategy worked best for them?

H0: Students using the Cloze strategy identify what strategy works best for them.

H1: Students using the Cloze strategy fail to identify what strategy works best for them.

Definition of the Terms

Cloze Strategy

The cloze strategy is the practice where readers fill in the blanks left in a given text using their knowledge and understanding to give meaning to that text. In a cloze strategy, a letter or a whole word is absent from a text in a manner that requires the reader to utilize a specific strategy or focus on a specific aspect in the text (McKamey 2006).

Cloze Procedure

The mechanical deletion of every nth word in a passage with a blank of regular length determines cloze procedure (McKeown 2006).

Cloze Test

A cloze test is a passage in which words are deleted to give the chance for the examiner to fill in the gaps with a word that is similar or equivalent to the word that has been deleted. Cloze tests are a good way of testing the reading ability of learners.

Cloze Score

The percentage of blank spaces completed by a reader in the exact words of the original text in the performance of a cloze test.

Research Design and Method

Mixed methods research design will be used for this research study which implies that both quantitative as well as qualitative approach would be used to classify and analyse the data collected so as to present comprehensive findings. The justification manifests in the notion that mixed methods research allows the researcher to view the topic under examination from number of angles and perspectives, thereby providing the researcher with the leverage to view any particular research question from any possible and relevant angle, that could address and cater the questions more conveniently and effectively (Creswell and Clark, 2010). In addition to that, it also allows the researcher to make use of relevant data in a more effective and efficient manner, thereby enabling the researcher to deal with more than one type of the investigative ...
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