Cognitive Psychology

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Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Psychology


All knowledge of the environment comes from outside and inside the decoding and interpretation of sensory messages arising from the different sensory receptors distributed throughout the body (Alan & Gary 2011). This constitutes the nerve impulse which is generally designated by the name of sensations will give rise to perceptions that consist of an awareness of external events. This process leads to knowledge of their environment, by the subject. Perceptions are made from sensations and are subject to a number of laws, physiological or psychological.

Top-Down And Bottom-Up Theories Of Perception

A bottom (called bottom-up) or down (called top-down) characterizes the general operating principle of a procedural approach. In the first analysis, the distinction may designate the direction of an intellectual process. It may be a synthesis (Bottom-Up) where we start to detail, down, that is to say, the finest level, to strengthen gradually and make a synthesis.

It may be a analysis (top-down) which, starting from the whole, it always breaks down into more detailed elements, culminating in a flattening, a total dissection, an overview, of the object studied (Alan & Gary 2011). By extension, the distinction may designate the mode of animation and piloting innovation process: It can be a pilot participatory (Bottom-Up) where the thread starts animation director perceptions and level initiatives as low (as defined hierarchical) or as ground (in operational sense) to be passed, it is available and considered by the upper echelons.

It may also be a directional control (top-down) where the contrary, the guiding principle of the animation is driven by the hierarchy. Levels subordinates whose function is to get in shape, running, deduct, to improve the instructions required.

Bernhard (2004) presents the two approaches in the management of environmental issues by companies threatened with collapse. Perception can be considered as a sequence of information processing, ranging from Input that is called a sensory exit is called cognitive representation. The beginning of this sequence is known as rising or bottom-up, while the end is called top down or top-down. Experimental data in neuroscience confirm at least the existence of neural circuits Bottom of information processing (For vision: retina, optic nerve, lateral geniculate nucleus, areas V1, V2, V4, etc). In this scheme, the sensory refers to the vision, treatment massively parallel to detect elements of interest (features: light contrast or color, spatial location, texture, angle, etc)

It is this second step would involve the knowledge, memory, etc.. Note that the English terminology implicitly poses a loop process (bottom-up and top-down), which corresponds to nothing in the treatment schedule information as proposed. An alternative interpretation would be to ask implicitly, between processes bottom-up process and descendants, a conscious subject, but this way of seeing seems contrary to the general attitude of experimental psychology. With the restriction that the neural signals traveling both ways, including to modulate the activity of nerve cells very close to the sensory receptors (e.g. the so-called attention processes) (Bernstein 2010). With stimuli such as one assumes a priori that the other stages of information processing only are not involved (except, at least, consciousness ...
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