Company Introduction

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Company Introduction

In an economy that thrives thoroughly on technology and progression itself, there are many companies that have taken advantage of the opportunities that have been offered to them through science. Because of the continuous growth in technology, companies have been able to find ways to further their success by offering competitive products and service (Schiffer, Page Nos.128-135). One company, in particular, that has taken full advantage of this feature is Sony. This company alone has had tremendous success because of their strategic ways of thinking and their unbelievable talent in taking advantage of every ounce of new technology that is able to be utilized. But also by taking advantage of online commerce or e-commerce Sony has grown greatly.

The history of the Sony world is an excellent indication of how much work and time has been put into developing the nation's leading supplier of the electronic world. Sony shocked the world when they released the first ever CD player. They dropped jaws when they introduced this device that could play music and was also conveniently portable. After this brilliant experience the founder of Sony, Tsurushima decided that it wasn't enough (Moore, Page Nos.120-131). He and his colleagues set off immediately to find a way to create yet another compact disk player that not only would do the same thing, but also be smaller, and more affordable. Being able to cut down the costs of the semi-conductors used, and the optical pickup device, were the two key ingredients that would launch Sony into profit. The countless claims of impossibility only catapulted these dedicated employees further into the want and need for a better device. Finally, in 1983 despite all the negative remarks and doubts, Sony came up with the exact technology that it would take to build and create a CD player that was one-tenth the size of its predecessor, and almost half the cost. Once again, the drive for success and satisfaction forced Sony to create yet another device, this one even better than the last. They called it the “d-50” and it is known as the world's first portable CD player; Sony always has been the best in the industry for cutting size, and they continue to be the force to be reckoned with as they proceed to launch the hottest, most dynamic technologically advanced products on the market today.


The Sony Corporation of America, based in New York City, proves to be the leading manufacturer in audio, video, communications, and technology products both on a consumer, and a business basis (Aaker, Page Nos. 157-86). Sony provides its consumers with entertainment and business based products that always prove to be the best in quality and service. From music, to movies, games, computers, downloads, and anything else you need to be satisfied, Sony is there to make life itself easier. The main headquarters of the Sony Corporation is not based in the U.S. because the founders and head CEO's of this company are based in Japan. Their service is not only found ...
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