Comparative Analysis Of Sontag And Lorde

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Comparative Analysis of Sontag and Lorde


Cancer is a harmful disease that includes a broad group of various diseases that involve the growth of unregulated cells. Cancer is a disease that could spread in other parts of the body and patients suffering from cancer could also lose their lives because of this harmful disease. The core objective of this paper is to present a comparison between two writers who suffered from cancer. These two writers are Susan Sontag and Audre Lorde. It has been observed that both these writers have a bit differing views that will be discussed in the paper.


It is obvious that cancer is a harmful disease and most of the writers have written on this topic. The writers that have been selected to present a comparative analysis on their writings are Audre Lorde and Susan Sontag. The main reason of selecting these wirters for this assignment is because both of these writers have suffered from cancer, and this disease affected the lives of both these personalities negatively. These writers also experienced death because of this harmful disease. A brief discussion about the viewpoints of Sontag and Lorde will be presented as follows.

The first thing that is observed through the writing of both these writers is that both the meaning that was assigned to cancer by both of these writers was similar. Both the writers present that cancer is a harmful disease and both these writers seem worried because of the health disorders that are caused by cancer. It is clearly observed that there was a difference in the approaches of Sontag and Lorde as they assigned the meanings of cancer according to their different approaches. It will not be wrong to say that both these writers have taken opposite approaches to assign the meanings of cancer and the harm ...