Contemporary Issue Project

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Contemporary Issue Project

Section 1: Summary

This assignment is based on the analysis of article “Caffeine and kids: A safe mix?” written by Julie Deardorff, Chicago Tribune reporter. The article briefly discusses about the caffeine and its implications on children. It has long been common knowledge that caffeine is a drug. Scientists have proved that too much caffeine consumption contributes to the expansion of benign mammary tumors, or problems with the prostate gland. Also, doctors have deduced the relationship between coffee consumption and hypertensive heart disease, cancer of the bladder and lower urinary tract. Caffeine is found in drinks such as coffee, cola, tea (black and green), cocoa, and even some medications (Deardorf, 2013).

Moreover, the article also reflects that at present, there is no evidence that caffeine causes hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder in children. Nonetheless, children need to limit the intake of caffeine moderate amounts appropriate for their age and physical data. Because caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, there are questions about the effect of caffeinated beverages on the balance of fluids in the body. However, the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) states that all drinks, including caffeine, saturated with body fluid.

One of the reasons why parents are not aware of this trend is the fact that caffeine has received so much good publicity lately. Studies show that caffeine increases the weight loss, can improve memory and attention. Coffee and tea is also rich in antioxidants, it may be possible to help in the fight against cancer and have heart-protective properties. But it is in adults (although some doctors suspect that caffeine can contribute to the development of heart problems in patients, drug addiction, obesity, insomnia and digestive disorders).

Furthermore, the article also discusses that individual susceptibility to caffeine greatly differs among individuals and depends on factors such as body ...
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