Counseling Session Of Couple

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Counseling Session of Couple


This paper will cover the counseling process, techniques and benefits of counseling and behavior of counselor that can help in resolving problems among couple. Counselor works as therapist and psychotherapist who listen to couple about their problems with each other, argue with them to know the real causes behind those problems and suggest them appropriate ways to avoid confrontation. Counseling does not mean only listening to couple but also to read between the lines and understand husband and wife by their reactions against different questions. Moreover, it is a rigor process in which counselor also study the background of couple. There are various techniques to evaluate the behavior of couple such as PAIR test which is used in this paper. Counselor attitude also have impact on the counseling session if counselor's attitude is facilitative and energetic then it make couple to believe that this counseling session can make their marriage stronger. Counselor must have nerve to link the causes of confrontation with backgrounds of individuals (husband and wife).

Counseling Session of Couple


In this paper, I will focus on the importance of counseling, approaches of pair test and benefits of counseling in couple's life. Counseling is an effective approach to resolve problems between couple as in counseling husband and wife both used to communicate their problems related to each other to their common counselor. Counselor used to study their life, family backgrounds of both husband and wife and also take their pair test to identify the causes of problems. Pair test is a specially designed test to analyze the personalities of couple. Counselors do interpretation of the results of pair test and explain it to the couple. Counselor is a person who has knowledge of linking the result of pair test with the problems of a couple and understanding the gesture and tone of voice couple.


Summary of Termination Section

For second session, I met with this couple at their home on September 26, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. with the results of their pair test which were very optimistic. I explained meaning and interpretation of pair test. According to the interpretation of results, it can be infer that compatibility does exist in their few areas of their personality. I highlighted that despite the clash on occasions between them, they still associated with a factual affectionate with each other. I asked about the forthcoming birth of their child and received very electrifying comments from the wife but husband was not that happy. I tried to teach the husband that being parents is a changing moment for human behavior and thought. I also expressed my view that he is going to be a good father but remained concise as I was running short of time. At the end of the session, I gave few advises relating to enhancing communication between them.

Background Information

I met with the couple at church and started conversation so that I can understand this couple. At church, we decided the meeting timing and ...
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