Crime Scene Analysis: From The Blood Pattern Analysis To The Evidence

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Crime Scene Analysis: From the Blood Pattern Analysis to the Evidence

Crime Scene Analysis: From the Blood Pattern Analysis to the Evidence


Through the use of many modern technologies, crime scene analysis and forensics has become much easier as in general it was extremely complicated and accelerated. Studies that take hours, days or weeks in the previous decades, can now be accomplished in seconds. Most crime scenes include history and like any story, they have the story - the beginning, the climax and the expected completion. The final forensic investigation depends solely on the conclusion of investigators working on the case. It is the ability of investigators to analyze - Who? How? What? Why? - due to the success in deciphering the history of the crime scene.

To achieve a satisfactory conclusion of the crime case, to arrest and convict the offender, the investigators should be aware that a lot depends on their personal insights and skills to analyze personal behavior. Such features as features of speech, style of writing, verbal gestures, etc determine the nature of human behavior. These qualities depend on the uniqueness of the overall reaction, the performance, functionality, and operation of each individual. These behavioral nuances always remain the same, regardless of the activity in the crime scene.

Since then, as the forensic science and the crime scene analysis manages to generalize features of "normal" human behavior, experience in investigating crime scene. This is done on the basis of criminal behavior analysis that allows investigators to gather a lot of their characteristics (Saferstein, 2004). The crime scene analysis also gives the ability to recognize the differences between people who have committed similar crimes.


Forensic Science

Forensic science is used to analyze traces and evidences mainly in violent crimes. It uses biological material such as blood, hair, and other tissues most commonly found at crime scenes. These evidences arrive at a crime lab in many ways; extreme caution is required to prevent contamination at the time of identification. Given the high accuracy and sensitivity of forensic investigations, it is possible to harvest and better preserve biological evidence. Researchers and laboratory personnel use all types of materials to manipulate evidence to avoid contact with and traces collected so that there is contamination (traces of tampering) thereof (Casey, 2011). The details are important point with regard to observation and treatment of traces.

Steps in Crime Scene Analysis

The steps taken by criminologists in the scene are as follows. The crime scene is isolated so that no trace will change, contaminate or lose and must continue intact until the forensics team finishes its work. Then a rigorous technical inspection begins by looking for the evidence which is done conscientiously and systematically. Criminal investigators responsible will document the location, photographing the general to detail: the space, the traces, if any victims and other items essential to crime analysis.

Making movies, cartoons and other relative can also help in locating items of traces, furniture, distance between buildings, etc. One should also note written addresses of the scene, time of arrival and departure, ...
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