Critique Of The Article

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Critique of the Article

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Critique of the Article

Problem Formulation

In this research paper, the issue of autism disorder among the children is addressed. The population of this research study is extended to all those children who are suffering from this psychological disorder. The researcher in this study has made an attempt to cure the problem of autism by naturalistic communication intervention which include the utilization of natural environment, child centeredness, responsive style of interaction and embedded learning opportunities as a learning context.

The hypothesis of the research is that the children suffering from autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may have gone through the cumulative deficits in the input of language which potentially cause hindrance to the social and communicative development.

Measurement of the Key Variables of the Research Study

In my opinion, the researcher has identified two variables. The independent variables consist of teacher training intervention. Independent variable is further divided in three components which are intervention strategies manual, performance feedback and ongoing meeting with researcher.

Dependent variable is the child expressive communication and the impact of the expressive communication is expressed in the form of labeling and commenting, imitating, expanding, modeling, positive feedback and joint attention. The child communicative behavior also includes vocalization, gestures, word approximation by the child, multiword utterance and single word utterance.

Each of the variables is defined in different context. Word approximation means the word uttered by the children which is understandable but the word was not completely uttered. Similarly, the meaning of the vocalization is different one which means verbal and non word voice uttered by the child to give the meaning of some comprehensible word. If the meaning of the both term would be the same, the actual result would have been non representative of the purported study.

Research Design and It Advantages and Disadvantages

The researcher has used multiple baseline, single subject and design across participants to understand teacher training intervention impact on child expressive communication. The advantage of single subject design is to give the subject to control his/her over him/her. The intervention phase allows the researcher to participate in weekly intervention meetings. Similarly the design across participant allowed the researcher to have more control over the study, because the study in this discipline is very difficult to control. Though the mentioned research design has given much of the control over the study to researcher, but this method does not allow experimental manipulation to derive the results.

Sampling Method and Its Advantages and Disadvantages

The study is comprised of seven early childhood professors and three children. The sampling method of the researcher has selected the Northeastern Ohio's integrated preschool setting which is co sponsored by local university and children hospital. The advantage of the selection of sample from this center is that it provides early childhood intervention services and the centre has developed distinguishing knowledge in this field. Therefore researcher got all the secondary data easily from the center and the obtaining of the primary data became easy and valid.

The sample was very representative because the aim of the centre is ...
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