Cross-Border Contact And Communication

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Cross-Border Contact And Communication

Cross-Border Contact And Communication

Analysis of European Community

The enlargement of the European Community is a strong impetus to the creation of new networks that encourage cross-border contact and communication, dissemination and sharing the experiences gained by young people in the path between identity construction old and new, between past and future. The European Union intends to create a local and personal development that can be a source of more secure identification with the territory, experimenting with a path integration on the one hand promotes the dissemination and exchange of experiences and other structured knowledge and a network of relationships and partnerships through the launch of the design and implementation of individual counseling for young people of the territory (Laher, 2001).

A good practice is to keep in mind that people have different cultures and affiliations different information needs, therefore, action research is aimed at a production keep in mind the prospect of multi-cultural and multi-ethnicity of information must provide answers to questions like: Who will you? As can be described / represented the different memberships? How to manage the collection, recording, sharing and delivery of information? What is the purpose Information?

The enlargement of the European Community is a strong impetus to the creation of new networks that encourage cross-border contact and communication, dissemination and sharing the experiences gained by young people in the path between identity construction old and new, between past and future. The innovation strategies of information and communication requires provision of accommodation and resources are sensitive to changes and adaptations of individual and collective identities in place in the border areas of enlargement, the order to foster reflection "visible" changes of psycho social and cultural and intervened in the making (Landry & Matarasso, 1999).

The socio-economic value added is found in a diffusion of knowledge about the geographical, structural, economic, cultural and social history of a border region, an overview of cross-border region reported in the papers, publications, teaching materials and so on in the development of a circle of committed experts, such as schools, training institutes, authorities responsible for conservation, cultural associations, libraries, museums and so on. Thus, cross-border cultural cooperation becomes a constituent element of regional development. Only if there is a socio-cultural co-operation there is a fertile environment for cross-border business, trade and services.

Cultural Co-operation Promotes a series of initiatives aimed at supporting cultural interchange between neighboring communities and trans-frontier regions and it is an essential premise for weakening the barriers persists between those often bordering peoples and for supporting the embodiment of other forms of collaboration. As a matter of fact, it Represents the first step towards the creation of trans-frontier peoples between contacts and it fosters the mutual knowledge of the points of contact and the Differences as to as cultures, traditions and society are concerned. The cultural and creative industry is an important source of income and employment (more than eight million people) in Europe and the EU has programs to help some industries of this type which ...
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