Dance And Spirituality

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Dance and spirituality

Dance and spirituality


The dance springs from man's need to express their desires and fears, is something inherent in human beings. The most basic emotions are externalized through movement, it reflects the essence of the person, who uses his own body to communicate, to get in touch with the world around him.

One of the first artistic expressions of primitive man in the Iberian Peninsula is precisely the cave paintings found in the caves of Cogull, in which a group of figures, described by Artemis Markessinis appear as follows: You see ten women with sweeping skirts to the knees, bare breasts, dance around a naked man, in what was probably a phallic dance, a wedding ceremony, or even a rite of passage. This figure shows the capacity of art to express a concept, in this case the dance as a means to evoke a significant emotional moment, coupled with the desire for fertility, essential for survival, which is embodied in a recreation of what is to be achieved through movement in circle around him like a sacred ritual.


The sense of unity, strength, protection, in connection with an internal, spiritual and magical world is related in these first performances with the idea of ??group. The table reflects Dance Henri Matisse's fascination for this concept of primitive art; you can see how the simplicity of the scene, with a sharp schematic, has an extraordinary movement, the intense warm colors against the cool blue-green background and the rhythmical succession of dancing nudes convey the feelings of emotional liberation and hedonism. At this coloring is given a symbolic interpretation. Bodies painted red and symbolize life, is obviously the blue sky and green nature (Snowber, 2007).

The artistic movements of the early twentieth century show an interest in primitive art able to capture the essence of the human being and represent symbolically. Both works-paintings Cogull and The Dance-Matisse represent a break with the established forms of art, a claim the content and expression of emotions. The modern world, with the industrial revolution, and the subsequent change from rural to urban influences the way the person looks at herself; a disposal, the dislocation occurs. These collective rituals are lost, through which the individual expresses and shares his inner world.

In The Rite of Spring, with music by Igor Stravinsky, premiered in Paris on May 29, 1913 by Diaghilev Ballets Russes, choreographed by Nijinsky, 3 this group concept ...